If any of you care about potential reasons for him not playing and aren't just in it for the conspiracies: The fact that we are now playing with two attacking full-backs, plus the added verticality and directness of Cesc playing in midfield means that we also need more defensive work/tracking back from our forward players. Here, the energy of Pedro/Alexis is crucial. The universality of Lobanovskiy, Pep and Tito goes both ways. You could then say, that Iniesta doesn't give that much tracking back either; but he adds ball retention, meaning less defensive work is necessary. Add to that the fact that he seems a bit out of sync in the general play; seemingly needs to re-learn some barca-concepts. Sure, his pure attacking contribution when play is stationary in the final third is still superior to that of Alexis/Pedro (not that of Iniesta though), but in tactical measures he is certainly less efficient than those who have played in his place.