David Villa


Active member
very bad perfomance by Villa nothing special in the whole much and many times offside,he was terrible in the 1vs1 situation that should be an easy finish for him.That was just not his day...


Ye like I said earlier... those chances he missed were awful, specially that 1v1 where he used the wrong foot and the shot was just awful.

Like the guys said, no excuses. He just had a bad game, that's it. Happens to everyone.


New member
He seemed really unmotivated, like he didn't care, but in the end I agree, he was poor and has no excuses for it...

If he's indeed unmotivated and doesn't care, he should fuck off. No two ways about it. No matter how unfair someone want's to believe Tito is being to Villa, he should still give his all when playing.
I didn't percieve him as unmotivated though, just bad.


He's not a kid, he's a professional and will always do his work and I saw Villa trying to do it tonight. Things just didn't work out, that's it. However, that doesn't change the fact that he didn't seem happy and comfortable in the match.


New member
That 1 on 1 miss was really weird. Why use your left foot? I bet he could kick himself after that. :/


New member
He seemed really unmotivated, like he didn't care, but in the end I agree, he was poor and has no excuses for it...

I disagree to this, he seemed really bummed and angry at himself when he missed. That shows he cares. But yeah... he was bad


Cardenal de Catalunya
This forum's a bloody kindergarten with the hefty part of the members acting like a bunch of spoilt children.

David Villa's not playing, everybody and their mother complains about Tito being harsh on him.

Then again, when he has a bad game, people are coming up with god knows what excuses.

I just thought him to be unlucky and having a night off, these things happen. Nothing to it.
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New member
I think villa change club on january or summer.
Tito want keep him important games but why then he use yesterday it was strange


New member
You are so annoying ,what are you 5 ?
Last night it was obvious why he wasnt starting big games,he has lack of pace,lack of first touch,lack of dribbling,lack of avoiding offside traps,lack of shot precision...Which is surprise surprise OK because he didnt play for more than half a year !!! He is scared of not getting injured again,his mind is playing tricks on him if you had a broken bone you would know because that spot feels softer and more fragile because it was broken and that puts a scare in him.
Tito doesnt need to force Villa because we are winning,match fitness will come in time,slower for sure but we wont risk losing and Villa wont risk getting injured again...David will be fully back until march and ready for the end of the season when we missed him so much because Tito is learning on Peps mistakes,although he is a star he has to be patient he is a part of group with great responsibilites and he is acting like one,but sadly u are not .


He had a bad game, simple as that. Everyone has it, even Messi is not excluded. Just because in a single game Messi fails 3 chances to score (which has happened more than once this season), we don't start talking crap like he lacks shot precision and when he fails every single dribbling attempt in a single game (which once again, has happened more than once this season), we don't start talking crap like that his dribbling skill are lame. We just say that it wasn't his day, because it happens to everyone, and yesterday it was Villa's day.

He has a single bad game and suddenly he lacks everything. Your reply is just too opportunist, after he was named man of the match like 3 times this season. Perhaps you were waiting the full season to finally see Villa have a poor game and then come up with all this random crap?

I haven't seen him end up in an offside position that many times this season, and the fact that he scored 5 goals out of 8 shoots in la liga clearly mean he doesn't lack "shot precision", and he barely uses his dribbling skills because he doesn't have it. As for the first touch? are you serious... lawl.

"He is scared of not getting injured again" Yeah, that's why he keeps using his "left" foot to score 5 goals this season, and 3 with the right foot.
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Staff member
If he had a bad game, he had a bad game. People shouldn't take it personal. I am sure once he has a good one, the thread will explode with glee again.
Noone in this team (except Messi and Xavi maybe) should feel entitled to a place in starting 11.
Those who feel unmotivated to play a Champions League game, or any for that matter, should suck it up. Tito picks the team and surely knows what's best.

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