David Villa


The Culest
I honestly don't see the point of discussing Villa's playing time anymore. It's obvious he has fallen way down the pecking order of Tito (for his own absurd reasons) and we all have to make our peace with it. But it pains me to see such a great player rotting on the bench. I'll be happy for him to leave to greener pastures. Hope his departing is amicable. I'll always remember him for that golazo in Wembley.
And please stop with these posts "Villa is being saved for the second half of the season". Even a 5 year old will laugh at these statements.

OT: Where is jtmx12 these days? Has he committed suicide? :)


OT: Where is jtmx12 these days? Has he committed suicide? :)

Sorry, I'm busy lately, have no time to argue with people that talk crap about me and later realize that what I said weeks or months ago is true. I don't really care what happens with Villa at this point, I'll keep watching Barca because I like Barca, and I'll keep wishing Villa good luck because I like him as well. Tito will do whatever he wants, and Villa, as a gentleman, will always behave like one and if needed, leave the club without making any noise. I always liked the fact that the Camp Nou loves Villa and is not the first time I've heard his name very loud in the Camp Nou.
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New member
I think the issue with Villa is this:

1. Barca wants two big things from their wide forwards. They want A LOT of pressuring and they want runs that will open up space for others, particularly Messi. This takes A LOT of running. Villa has been capable of these things, but being in his 30s and recently having had a broken leg, I'm not sure that he's able to do it as much anymore. Alexis and Pedro are, so Tito must feel he is willing to sacrifice a bit of goalscoring for more movement.

2. Furthermore, Pedro and Alexis are both younger. If you have a choice between playing a younger player with potential and an older player, and you feel like the two players would be similarly effective in the present (see above), then you play the younger player.

3. Pedro and Alexis need to find form fast before the important matches start happening. We don't want Villa to re-injure himself before those matches. It makes some sense to play the other two more. I don't know that this is the main reason though because Alexis/Pedro are playing in the super important matches.


Well-known member
Its just politics, Barca want to make money of Villa to buy Neymar so he is forced out.
Cause of his age and reputation they still can get decent money for him.
Alexis is young and also cost a shitload so Villa gets sacrificed despite hom being our second best forward.


New member
VIlla doesnt have to pressure as much due to th fact he has alba and iniesta behind him...Pedro has much more pressing to do..


New member
Its just politics, Barca want to make money of Villa to buy Neymar so he is forced out.
Cause of his age and reputation they still can get decent money for him.
Alexis is young and also cost a shitload so Villa gets sacrificed despite hom being our second best forward.

Alexis could be sold for more than Villa since he is younger and cost so much not that long ago. If they wanted to force out one for money to get Neymar AND if Villa is better than Alexis, why wouldn't they force out Alexis? Doesn't make sense. They could play Villa now, have him be better than Alexis would've been, sell Alexis for more than they could sell Villa, and then get Neymar to replace Villa right as he's getting too old to be effective.

There's more to it than that. They MUST think Alexis is better than Villa for the squad otherwise their actions make no sense.


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Senior Member
Its just politics, Barca want to make money of Villa to buy Neymar so he is forced out.
Cause of his age and reputation they still can get decent money for him.
Alexis is young and also cost a shitload so Villa gets sacrificed despite hom being our second best forward.

If someone would have to be forced out , that's Alexis. He has done way to much for Barcelona's standards. I know that Pedro won't be sold since he is from Barca's academy even though he didn't score in his last 23 games for Barca but he fights really hard for the ball so it seems that for Tito this is enough to start him in every game. And it seems that Villa isn't happy anymore here. Just look at his face when the stadium started cheering his name , or everytime the camera is on him. He is 2 times Euro winner , has 1 World Cup , and he's the top goalscoreer of Spain in it's history and he is just cleaning the bench.....it saddens me. If Neymar is really going to be a Barca player , I would sell Alexis+Tello and keep Villa and Cuenca.


The Culest
Alexis could be sold for more than Villa since he is younger and cost so much not that long ago. If they wanted to force out one for money to get Neymar AND if Villa is better than Alexis, why wouldn't they force out Alexis? Doesn't make sense. They could play Villa now, have him be better than Alexis would've been, sell Alexis for more than they could sell Villa, and then get Neymar to replace Villa right as he's getting too old to be effective.

There's more to it than that. They MUST think Alexis is better than Villa for the squad otherwise their actions make no sense.

Dude Alexis cost nearly 40m. If he was sold now we would'nt get more than 10-12m. Thats nearly 30m loss. But Villa wouldnt get a price of more than 8-10m even on his best form because of his age. Besides Alexis is younger and can potentially last longer(not that i want him to :angry: Hence Barca management seem to think Villa should be sold for Neymar. Wish they were this "financially wise" when buying him :angry:


New member
Dude Alexis cost nearly 40m. If he was sold now we would'nt get more than 10-12m. Thats nearly 30m loss. But Villa wouldnt get a price of more than 8-10m even on his best form because of his age. Besides Alexis is younger and can potentially last longer(not that i want him to :angry: Hence Barca management seem to think Villa should be sold for Neymar. Wish they were this "financially wise" when buying him :angry:

How much you will "lose" on a player is irrelevant. What you paid for him is a sunk cost and should be entirely ignored when making a future decision on who to buy and sell.

What matters, then, is just how much they are worth now. You sort of arbitrarily said you think Barcelona could only get 10-12m for Alexis.


Seems to think that the market price for Alexis is 38 million euros. It puts Villa at 28 million euros. I tend to think those are both overvalued a bit, but I think the 10 million euro gap between them is probably about right, or maybe even a bit low. Villa's transfer value is really diminished by his age.


The Culest
How much you will "lose" on a player is irrelevant. What you paid for him is a sunk cost and should be entirely ignored when making a future decision on who to buy and sell.

What matters, then, is just how much they are worth now. You sort of arbitrarily said you think Barcelona could only get 10-12m for Alexis.


Seems to think that the market price for Alexis is 38 million euros. It puts Villa at 28 million euros. I tend to think those are both overvalued a bit, but I think the 10 million euro gap between them is probably about right, or maybe even a bit low. Villa's transfer value is really diminished by his age.

:rofl1: Even city would'nt pay 38m for Alexis. On his current form 10-15m is the max we can get on him. Transfermarket is not always accurate
Talking about sunk costs- If a club keeps a player for a longer time they can recover some of his transfer cost in terms of his performance(match or tournament winning winning goals, shirts sold etc) hence letting them go early before the end of contract will cause a loss. (But alll this doesn't apply to Alexis as he's not adding any value ::shakeshead: But Barca seems to think he'll come good)


New member
What if I tell you that its not Villa that is been forced out but instead its Pedro and Alexis that are forced IN.

Villa might be in good shape, maybe even better than Pedro but, and its a big BUT, we will need Pedrito and Alexis for the 2nd half of the season so maybe Tito is forcing them back into shape by giving them a lot of play time. We are winning games regardless of these two so its the right time to give them minutes.

Does it make any sense? It does to me.


The Culest
What if I tell you that its not Villa that is been forced out but instead its Pedro and Alexis that are forced IN.

Villa might be in good shape, maybe even better than Pedro but, and its a big BUT, we will need Pedrito and Alexis for the 2nd half of the season so maybe Tito is forcing them back into shape by giving them a lot of play time. We are winning games regardless of these two so its the right time to give them minutes.

Does it make any sense? It does to me.

Villa being forced out and Pedro Alexis being forced in are the same thing. Refusing to play a player on good form and not benching underperformers goes hand in hand. Basically pedro and alexis will keep playing and villa will be benched unless Tito's ass is on fire and he's forced to use Villa( like vs Sevilla) But come January even that'll not be possible :angry:


Active member
Eventually I believe that Tito will need to play Villa more, perhaps Pedro and Alexis offer more to the team but Villa is more likely to score.

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