David Villa



All the players always use shinpads... You didn't know that? Seems he wasnt allowed to wear the special type, but no player can play without the regular ones.

What's so different with the special type?

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
He probably had silicon shindpads in order for them to protect him better from blunt force. Since they're softer they should absorb more of the energy, whereas a regular shinpad would protect better against punctures and lacerations.


He probably had silicon shindpads in order for them to protect him better from blunt force. Since they're softer they should absorb more of the energy, whereas a regular shinpad would protect better against punctures and lacerations.

Thanks for the explanation. Just wondering why Villa wasn't allowed to wear the silicon type.

I imagine due to his leg break, they were designed for better impact absorption

Right but what's the point if he's not allowed to wear them...


Mike the Knife
Right but what's the point if he's not allowed to wear them...

Could be idiocy from the referees who weren't familiar with the material or Villa & the Barcelona staff trying to use a shinguard not already approved - I lean towards the referees being idiots as I can't imagine Barcelona would try to sneak unauthorized equipment onto the pitch


New member
They were obviously unaware that he could not wear them or hoped the 4th official wouldn't notice. Perhaps he has worn them before during games.


The Culest
Arsenal would have problems too, it's more likely that he'd take a wage cut there than at Arsenal. But you're right, Arsenal can pay a lot more.

With Arsenal it's not about availability of money its the willingness to spend. They are the only "big" club with net positive return in transfer dealings. With Villa it seems they are ready to spend. Whereas with Valencia with the new stadium leading to huge debt, i don't see them being able to sign him without a pay cut


New member
With Arsenal it's not about availability of money its the willingness to spend. They are the only "big" club with net positive return in transfer dealings. With Villa it seems they are ready to spend. Whereas with Valencia with the new stadium leading to huge debt, i don't see them being able to sign him without a pay cut

Arsenal needed an impact player in Jan that could come in and produce day one to help move them up from 6th to 4th place in EPL to make European Cup play. Now Arsenal will be less interested in Villa since the EPL standing will have played out by summer. I think they will move on to a younger player. That is their normal procedure.

There will be interest in him for sure but I don't know if he will continue to command his current salary. Especially since he is sitting the bench behind younger players that are actually producing next to nothing and they are at salaries lower than his.


Now I understand why David Vila is still content to stay at Barça. He can't be sold. Not if he still has some injury to his tibia or has to wear special protection. No team will buy a "broke" player.


The Culest
Now I understand why David Vila is still content to stay at Barça. He can't be sold. Not if he still has some injury to his tibia or has to wear special protection. No team will buy a "broke" player.
Are you trolling? Arsenal were ready to buy him and offered 16m but Barca was not ready to sell as we dont have a replacement for him and our squad is thin. Plus he wanted his baby to be born in Spain.


Are you trolling? Arsenal were ready to buy him and offered 16m but Barca was not ready to sell as we dont have a replacement for him and our squad is thin. Plus he wanted his baby to be born in Spain.

I doubt it.

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