Anxiously waiting for the next match
just like adriana lima is your gf.
hey, i like nurses... it is just the male nurses that i just have a weird disdain for.
His facebook said he went to school in Tennessee or Alabama or something like that, so he's American, despite his obsession with British slang like "mate","twat" and "bird"Which country do u claim to be from?
And which country are we going to find out that u are actually from?
nurse = 2 or 4 yr degree
PA = masters
i get to suture after surgery which is my fav nurses never get to do that
im japanese
what country wouldu guess from my pic? jw
i know all about nursing. my ex is finishing her nursing.
pa is a murse.
Is this the one you are booty calling? A nurse? Lucky bastard...
Hey, if you are gonna be a bitch, it could be worse than being the bitch of someone trained to take care of people!actually it is me thats a booty call now.tragedy.