I don't know what's going on as I haven't been reading the forum much. Apparently all I managed to get is DiegoMessi tried to hack Gio's account, and somehow he's 3 different personalities at once....
My opinion is similar to that of Anton and Meta, It doesn't really bother me much who he really is or who the hell Benjamin Lance is. DM is just a cool guy to chat with over the internet whenever he logs in and that's all there is to it, I'm not really hooked up over who he really is, and IP addresses, and what he had for breakfast Etc.
The trying to hack into Gio's account was not cool though.
not as funny as maz telling the story of hamzah and HD in person (god that was brilliant) but still amusing.
Exactly! Now that is easily the top story of the forum. It's hilarious just remembering how maz told it lol. I was almost crying laughing my ass off