Dmytro Chygrynskiy


Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite
Yepp, just common sense mate. I think global understanding are exist, respect for another. Sometimes maybe it will against your idealism, you sacrifice. But it also goes to another person, they also should respect your opinion and idealism.


immaculately conceived
Not at all. It would be horrifying if you weren't allowed to say something about a certain subject. Hitler and Franco would really like your thinking. It is very terrifying that exactly you are walking around with the French 1789 slogan as a user title. (Can I actually even say something bad about Hitler and Franco because, you know, I have to respect them???)

Moreover it wasn't even an attack on those idealisms. They were merely used in a joke. You all laugh with Pedobear pictures right? So you think child rape is funny? And not only did it offended anyone. It just got deleted because someone might get offended. Sad.

Anyway, I will stop here because I have seen this discussion of freedom before and over and over again, with awful results.

Go Chygrynskiy, team up with Piqué!


Momo un Bello Uomo
Gneg you are have to grow up and stop beating around the bush. Anything that could be offensive to anyone on this forum should be kept to your self, any other crap you wanna post be my guest! End of disscusion.


New member
welcome jesus! hope your future performances on the pitch are just as inspiring. i think he'll do well to learn from puyol and marquez. he seems to already have good positioning and anticipation from what i saw in the super cup match and i hope he only gets better.


Senior Member
Didnt knw Skiy cud speak english.
I still dnt knw how Pique-Skiy can work together...Both are slow.

Anyways, lets hope he keeps his hair straight & wet like this

And, NOT


Necro Spaaw




reminds me of the song of Belgian Dance act: Milk Inc. - walk on water:

"i would walk on water just to be with you ...."

I would
walk on water
just to be with you
walk on water
just to be with you
split the ocean
cross the sea
walk on water
if you believe

There was a time
I lost my faith
There was a time
I could only hate

You are my shepherd
You are my guide
Follow your dark eyes
Right into the night
You are my savior
You took control
You came and touched my soul

if you query in google:

u see barcaforum :)
Dmytro Chygrynskiy - Page 22 - FC Barcelona Forum
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we crying here in Ukraine..because we left the best defender what we have.....and you are seating here and laugh of his shoes and hair)).

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