Edinson Cavani


Blue Blooded Aussie
He would have fit in love a glove at Chelsea. Good to see people not wanting a player to have a good career by being happy they've joined a club in an inferior league for money. Not. At least go to a good club?


He would have fit in love a glove at Chelsea. Good to see people not wanting a player to have a good career by being happy they've joined a club in an inferior league for money. Not. At least go to a good club?



New member
He would have fit in love a glove at Chelsea. Good to see people not wanting a player to have a good career by being happy they've joined a club in an inferior league for money. Not. At least go to a good club?

So these people who say PSG is "not a good club", is that hatred, jealousy, or stupidity? Or maybe it's just a joke? I'm still debating...


Blue Blooded Aussie
I'll rephrase, a "top club".

Plus, I love you guys are so ignorant, I said "INFERIOR LEAGUE", you know, one that isn't one of the top 3, which are all pretty much equal depending on who you ask and how bias you are. After them comes Germany, THEN France. Why go from Italy to France for money? Go to a top club where you deserve to play, where you can win good trophies. I don't see how you guys can praise a downward move to PSG? It really is sad.


New member
Well, now PSG is evil. I like how some Chelsea fans lost memory since PSG is trying to grow up fast: exactly what Chelsea did this last decade. Even worse, their club was going to bankrupt before Abramovitch era.

I still wonder if the Cavai-Ibra pair will be productive. I hope so.


New member
I'll rephrase, a "top club".

Plus, I love you guys are so ignorant, I said "INFERIOR LEAGUE", you know, one that isn't one of the top 3, which are all pretty much equal depending on who you ask and how bias you are. After them comes Germany, THEN France. Why go from Italy to France for money? Go to a top club where you deserve to play, where you can win good trophies. I don't see how you guys can praise a downward move to PSG? It really is sad.

You're making absolutely no sense, and I'll show you why.

First, you did say " why not go to a good club?", implying PSG is not a good club.
Then, when confronted with it, you rephrased it to a "top club". Well, many people will argue that PSG is now a top club. May be not quite yet in the top 5 in Europe, but clearly top 10 at least. Going from Napoli to PSG is clearly a step up, not down. paris has a decent shot at the CL in the next 3 years. Where will Napoli be?

Then you said inferior league. If we follow your logic, going to levante would have been a step up? Give me a break. The french league might still be less notorious than italy, but not for long imo. The french league is on the rise, and all stars in italy end up at psg. Now with monaco, their league will become more interesting.

Finally, when you think of it, the man is going to a club on the rise, whose plan is to become the best in europe, who nearly kicked us out of the CL last season (thank you Messi), who is getting stronger every year, where he will earn a lot of money, and where he will live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Smart move if you ask me. But apparently I'm ignorant, so.


Blue Blooded Aussie
Questioning me about whether I think going to Levante would be a step up over PSG due to them being in a better league shows how ignorant you are being right now, actually. Why don't you have a real think about what I said without being knit picky and you might figure it out.

I never claimed PSG are the devil cause they have money, but being happy that a player went to an inferior league for money is pretty lame, if you ask me. I'm not saying you should be happy if he goes to Real Madrid(the type of club I was getting at, a top club in a league that isn't weak), but to be honest that's the kind of club a guy as good as him deserves to be at. At the same time nobody seemed to want to pay his release clause other than PSG, so he didn't really have a choice. He'll be rolling in it. And right now PSG are not a top club, not at all. One good year in the CL when they gave Barca a run for their money doesn't make them one. If anything, you guys struggling against PSG shows that you guys have fallen off a little bit, not that they are a top club.

The only thing smart about his move to PSG i the cash he'll earn and how easy he's going to score bundles of goals in the league. Nice for his stats.


So these people who say PSG is "not a good club", is that hatred, jealousy, or stupidity? Or maybe it's just a joke? I'm still debating...

I think PSG is a good club,there are always some people say some things bad..


New member
It's funny how you call me ignorant in the beginning then you show all your ignorance for the rest of the post. Epic

I never said that they are a top club because of last year's encounter with Barca. May be you should think about what I said for this matter.

Being a fan of the best club in the world does not mean I'm blind. Whether you like it or not, PSG has always been a top club. In France for sure, in Europe in the 90s. They disappeared from Europe in the 2000s because they struggled financially, as well as their league. The French rules are different from ours, as they always have to be financially stable to even exist. They cannot borrow money from banks like we did for years to get the best players. As a consequence, their league dropped (and that's the reason why you arrogantly overlook them today), and the only club that emerged was Lyon, which despite its best efforts, never reached further than the CL quarter finals if I'm not mistaken.

If you knew a little bit of history, you would know that before last year's encounter, PSG and Barca were even at 1 victory each, as they kicked us out of the CL quarters in 1995, to fall to us in the CWC final in 1997, only to a Ronaldo's penalty. Last year's victory over them was not very glorious either. They also own Real Madrid in European championships, as they knocked them out twice. They won a European cup in 1996, and made 5 consecutive semi finals in the 90s. Not bad for a team that only exists since 1970.

Now, they are growing from all directions. They are changing their training structures, their formation center, they are working on getting their stadium bigger. And on paper, they have a team that has a shot at the semis or even the final of the CL. But of course, "on paper" doesn't mean anything in football, which is why we all love this game.

Bottom line, and I know we won't agree on this, Cavani made a smart move. I would love to see you turn down a job offer with double what you would make anywhere else, in a city like Paris, in a semi prestigious company, on the rise...


New member


High Definition Member
Well said. Paris is an exciting project and I'd think twice before turning it down. All that money, living in Paris, club on the rise, league in the rise with Monaco joining in.


New member
living in Paris

Paris is not what it used to be tho.

Many french will hate me for saying that (which i consider the truh, cos i hate how we're shutting our mouth to hide our problems) but the capital is not as calm and clean as it was before.

Too many people I know got robbed/assaulted in Paris these past 5 years.

It's not to Marseille Level of insecurity, but still.

Now I won't discuss the "possible" causes, because I don't want to open a can of worm about how we possibly ended up like that. sIf it's like in French forum, you're easily banned if you dare saying certain words or pointing finger to certain people...

Even a famous korean manwha drawer got assaulted when he came visiting Paris for a conference. Nice advertisement for the world again.

And China listed Paris and France in the "dangerous zone" for tourists since many, many bad things happened to a lot of their people who came visiting Paris.
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High Definition Member
I went there in 2006. It seemed like a great and clean city, and no problem for me as a tourist, especially being a Muslim I'd be a target of racism or whatever. The people did seem a bit arrogant though.

Maybe it's changed because of the economic crash. Either way I don't think those problems affect pro footballers.

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