El Clasico 10/11: FC Barcelona - Real Madrid 5-0 Manita!

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
You are right Beast, but the impression a lot of Madridistas have of Catalans (I experienced it myself a few times) is that they are uncivilized and that is quite funny if you take the Spaniards (Castilla-La Mancha) behaviour and reputation (uneducated peasants) into consideration.

And apropos Boixos Nois and their unaccaptable actions, Real Madrids radicals (Ultras Sur) (167 to be precise) were stopped in Barajas Airport last week with 19 baseball bats and 7 helmets.

Catalans uncivilized? Shit stirrers maybe, but as Gio and Sergio said the main Catalan stereotype is arrogant snobs and cut throat businessmen.

There is the only stereotype of Barcelona being filled with anarchists I guess.


Nope, because its 10 to 5 here in UK, and kick off is at 8 UK time.

and :D


Next person I see insulting will get a 1 day ban. And the next and the next, discuss like proper people not with insults.


Xavi has a message for the pessimistic supporters

i'm so excited!!

Quality. :lol:

Got a question for the admin - why've you warned me but are consistently allowing Jordzibob to sit there throwing insults my way? Bit of hypocrisy going on here, and as for you Jordzibob, how about you attempt a proper constructive post without the 'you're an idiot' act? Can cut the crap jokes too.

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