from pep's words, he seemed calm about it so i'm not as worried now
from pep's words, he seemed calm about it so i'm not as worried now
Well that should only confirm my theory of him, his doctors and the club knowing about his condition before the announcement yesterday. And I am sure that they must have known about it, after all he must have had regular medical examinations because of his condition.
This makes me way more calm.
Just realized (after reading the French press) that it is a liver and not kidney transplant. That makes it even more complicated.
C'est la merde.![]()
Yeah, the whole renewal issue takes on a whole other meaning now...The club obviously knew about his condition and the possibility that the transplant was down the road - that's pretty impressive from the club, must be said
Unfortunately, that's not to say it means they were upbeat on his longterm chances but how the club is standing by the player...Great thing, if there is one, is that Abidal is fortunate to have an incredible support system - I believe things like that indeed make a difference
There was a snowboarder I read about who came back after an OLT (Acronym which we will all come to learn in the upcoming months for a liver transplant) and I think won a medal at the Olympics or something...There are plenty of people who live a long time after a successful transplant...World class athletes are a different kettle of fish and the data isn't as comprehensive...The reality is that he's facing big odds but he also beat big odds, albeit briefly, already...He's a fighter with great spirit so plenty of reason to be buoyed by that...It'll be new territory he'd be carving out and since the club is already rewriting history, why not Eric as well?
thats what i mean, the media really made a big deal about abidals circumstances last time but it was not right. that was peanuts compared to what he faces right now. he was always going to recover from that surgery, it was a small resection that required a fairly standard recovery afterwards. but a liver transplant is a whole different kettle of fish. he has to survive the 8-12 hour surgery, then afterwards has to totally suppress his immune system for a few months during which time any infection could basically take his life, then he has to pray the body doesn't reject the organ, and for the rest of his life he has to be on low dose immunosuppression. this is nothing like what he dealt with before. in footballing terms, him returning to football last time was like overcoming a 3 goal deficit at halftime. this is like overcoming a 10 goal deficit with 10 min left in the game....
Wow. Just wow. I knew that this was going to be bad, but not this bad.
He and his family must be having har time right now. 1st the surgery last season and now this...
Well, atleast we know that he is in "good hands" since the surgery will be done by the best doctors available. He has survived his challenges till now, till this day and he will survive this too. I honestly didnt believe that he would probably be forced to quit his career, but it looks like that is just what is going to happen... But that does not matter right now, the priority is Abidals health. May God be with him, give him strength and help him through these hard times.