Eric Abidal


New member
Seriously though, WHY wouldn't they offer him a one-year extension, at least? Think about it. I can't think of a single proper reason why. It's not as if Abidal would expect to be a starter or anything, and we're bad with CBs as it is. Would it really hurt anyone to have him in the squad and give him some playing time now and then? We could use some depth in defense. Imagine if we had Abidal available recently when both Puyol and Mascherano were injured, and Adriano was suspended. Even Abi himself said he was wanted to continue here, and I'm pretty sure that he wasn't expecting to play regularly. I'm pretty sure he would have accepted a pay-cut, as well, if that was the problem (which it probably is, knowing Rosell). Despicable decision from the club. Més que my a$$.
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I hope that Tito has a least decency to fullfill Abi's last wish, and lets him play against Malaga.

And Rosell can go f.... himself. :angry:
Although I dislike Rosell, I think Zubi is to blame as well. Wasn't him who promised to renew abidal if he would only play for a minute after his disease?


New member
F*** you Rosell. Is that better mods?

Seriously, the club's management and football decisions are getting worse and worse by the day. Our best defensive player, who went through a lot, can't be offered at least 1 more year?

Laporta, where art thou? Please come back.


Culé de Celestial Empire
What will it take for Rosell, Tito and Roura to be ousted? Barca failing to win the La Liga title for two years in a row or something?

Since we are more than just a club, can we oust these freaks?


New member
The more I think about it, the more disappointed I am we didn't retire #22. It's not like he wears #10 but it would still be a good sign of respect for a club legend who has gone through way too much.


Prediction champion 2012-2013
What will it take for Rosell, Tito and Roura to be ousted? Barca failing to win the La Liga title for two years in a row or something?

Since we are more than just a club, can we oust these freaks?
Failure in next season's CL would cost Tito his job I think.


F*** you Rosell. Is that better mods?

Seriously, the club's management and football decisions are getting worse and worse by the day. Our best defensive player, who went through a lot, can't be offered at least 1 more year?

Laporta, where art thou? Please come back.

That post is a lot better :) It's okay to vent your frustration but try to explain your point of view instead of just posting a one-liner à la "fuck off" :D


Thank you for everything, Abi. See you soon!

Glad he's got a position at the club whenever he retires.

Seriously though, WHY wouldn't they offer him a one-year extension, at least? Think about it. I can't think of a single proper reason why. It's not as if Abidal would expect to be a starter or anything, and we're bad with CBs as it is. Would it really hurt anyone to have him in the squad and give him some playing time now and then? We could use some depth in defense. Imagine if we had Abidal available recently when both Puyol and Mascherano were injured, and Adriano was suspended. Even Abi himself said he was wanted to continue here, and I'm pretty sure that he wasn't expecting to play regularly. I'm pretty sure he would have accepted a pay-cut, as well, if that was the problem (which it probably is, knowing Rosell). Despicable decision from the club. Més que my a$$.

I think Abidal wanted to play regularly. And that he couldn't be guaranteed here. I was mad at first too, but the club did a lot for him. Most would just rescind the contract, and maybe pay for the medical expenses, but not give all the support he had at Barça.


New member
Thank you abi, I'll miss you
It hurts me to see him leave, And i wish him the best, But his time is over, He's not fit to play for us anymore, And as far as i see it, Our club treated him the best way possible, Stood by him with his cancer twice!, And renewed his contract when they knew he'll have to be operated again, And may not return to football.


Senior Member
Right decision to let him go if they feel he can no longer play at the top level.

Best defender I have ever seen live.

Good luck to him.


New member
Merci Abidal!

I suppose the club doubts that his body is able for him to continue at the highest level. It's a shame cause he would be a great option for us next season, especially at centre back.

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