Eric Abidal


previously known as Jonathan28
Yeah, he may be too old by them, he might just retire, then Adriano will take over.

Johan Cruyff

I see many years back in Abidal. I think he will be in Barca until he's 35..


Shocking is the word. I still remember him against hercules, he improved a lot since then.

alex 10

New member
The club is aware, I think that he will renew, and we want him to continue here because he is a very important player for us.”
pep said

alex 10

New member
I am totally open to any offer coming from Barca and I have always said that I could not leave this team to go to a higher level, because no team exists. If the club and I have the same goal, we will reach an agreement easily.

“I can renew for one or two more years, but if my legs do not let me, I will say thanks and bid goodbye. I cannot lie, because I do not know what will happen. The day my legs go I will dedicate myself to playing golf, taking care of my family, and helping young people who want to be footballers.”

Abidal also discussed the contract situation of coach Pep Guardiola, saying: “I think that Guardiola will stay at Barcelona until he is 70. He is a very good coach, and this is evidenced by the results.”

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