Erling Haaland


Senior Member
Haaland will by and large go to the club who give him the biggest earnings+signing on fee and give him an exit structure.

With us having to have a buy out clause inserted we may be an interesting transfer arrange for Haaland/Raiola before a big money EPL move, one where it will be more problematic to move on from (due to not having BO clauses, same with PSG).

It may suit us aswell to have Haaland for 2/3 seasons while also having the option to sell him and refresh our finances. Something that in the short term means he doesn't really cost us anything (unless he is an absolute bust which looks unlikely or he gets a long term injury).

It can be a win-win for both parties. Just don't expect a signing to be here for the next decade.
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Senior Member
Haaland will by and large go to the club who give him the biggest earnings+signing on fee and give him an exit structure.

With us having to have a buy out clause inserted we may be an interesting transfer arrange for Haaland/Raiola before a big money EPL move, one where it will be more problematic to move on from (due to not having BO clauses, same with PSG).

It may suit us aswell to have Haaland for 2/3 seasons while also having the option to sell him and refresh our finances. Something that in the short term means he doesn't really cost us anything (unless he is an absolute bust which looks unlikely or he gets a long term injury).

It can be a win-win for both parties. Just don't expect a signing to be here for the next decade.

Then that won't be us. We can't afford to give him a big salary or signing-on fee when we're in so much debt, especially when we have the biggest wage budget in the world. We need to release the big earners before we can think about bringing a big superstar in. Also, he won't have an exit structure if we lock a big release clause in his contract. Look at how stubborn we were with Messi and Neymar. So, if Haaland has a 600m release clause and is playing well, he won't be going unless a team pays the 600m release clause.

Even if we wanted to sign Haaland for the time being and get like 3 seasons out of him, we simply can't afford him. He's going to cost over 100m plus this summer. Even with his release clause next summer, I doubt he's going to hold out so we can eventually sign him.

People can say we can structure our loans and whatnot, but the reality is.... we're in so much debt. We can only structure our payments and loans by so much before the banks tell us to get lost. We're only a business to these banks. We should be looking to lower the debt as quickly as possible. We'll need to release some of the big earners and look to get in realistic free transfers on smaller wages in the summer.

I personally feel we should work with the youth and go with what we've got for the next 2 years. Lower the debt and build from it. We should probably let Messi go (unless he takes a 70% salary reduction and waives his signing-on fee and loyalty bonus). Yeah, we may not be competing for many titles or Champion Leagues for a while, but at least we'll be setting our club up for a better future.


Senior Member
People can say we can structure our loans and whatnot, but the reality is.... we're in so much debt.

I dont think the pure numbers are the problem. 1200ME debt is manageable with 800-900ME in revenue. Wage structure and short term debt are the big question marks and I dont think anyone here or elsewhere can give a satisfying answer about that for now. We will see whats possible or not.


Senior Member
Messi goes , sell Griezmann or Coutinho.
Demand Busqets to accept half of salary or sell.
Umtiti abd Pjanic loan or sell.

4 of 5-6 highest earners could be menaged.

Also lower others.

Don't want to accept?

Sell or bench for the rest of season


Culé de Celestial Empire
Twice you've posted this and honestly I have no clue what you are talking about, so why several people liked you post I don't know, it sounds like your reading from a brochure or telling everyone your dream?

Romance and stadium, what the hell does that mean? When fans sing 'You'll Never Walk Alone' at a big match at Anfield, nothing can beat the romance/buzz/emotion/atmosphere off that and I'm not even a Liverpool fan and wasn't Liverpool (as a City) voted Europe's capital of culture a few years back? London (UK's capital) is the financial capital of the world and due to the UK's influence in the world in entertainment, players can earn way more money outside football (image rights etc) than they do in Spain, hence why English players rarely travel.

Also do you want me, a guy who's been to Barcelona (not sure if you have) to tell you the reality of your dream and brochure? Barcelona's tap water tastes like your grandad's underpants and television is widely renowned to be rubbish. As for Madrid, whilst tap water tastes slightly better than Barcelona's, it still tastes like shit, bullfighting is a popular source of entertainment, if they arn't doing that they are chasing one down the street and matadors (bull murders) are rock stars over there, Spanish press are the worst in the world and whilst actually playing for Madrid your own fans will start booing you if you miss too many shots or they'll get their boogied handkerchiefs out.

Also since when have Barcelona/Real Madrid been the dream for a Scandinavian? :thinking: These guys are from cold climates, they don?t care about the sun. Traditionally, Spain is the dream for Latin counties, Spain/Portugal/South America, La Liga can have their choice of the best talent from these places more times than not.

Dutch/French/German/English/Italian/Scandinavian/Italian, Spain is not the dream, maybe for some, but not all. Hence why many German legends are not Barcelona/Real Madrid legends, hence why many Italian legends are not Real Madrid or Barcelona legends (and list goes on).

I'm saying that, but once again Haaland was born in England, could have played for England and speaks fluent English, you don't think this gives an advantage to a Premier League club?

Also why English weather gets pulled down I don't know, UK climate is perfect, hot but not too hot in the summer and cold but not too cold in the winter, whilst Spain is a mild climate, during the winter when it rains it absolutely pisses it down in buckets.

While I agree ebc_99 romanticized Barcelona (the city) too much and Haaland probably won't come here, you are embellishing the UK too much as well. You apparently have a bias against Spain and favor everything British.

Barcelona's and Madrid's tap water taste like shit? Says who? I have been to Spain about seven times so far and none of any city's tap water tasted like shit to me. I don't know where you are from but the Spanish tap water didn't strike me as any different from the tap water I had elsewhere in Europe, including that of the UK. Bull fighting is bad I agree but every country, every culture has elements that outsider don't find appealing or repulsive, right? The UK is the same.

It is true that football-wise Spain in theory is more appealing to players from Latin countries (isn't Italy a Latin country?) traditionally but nowadays with globalization and more importantly with money circulating in football players follow opportunities, fame, prestige and money more than those age-old assumptions that so and so players will not go to certain leagues etc. For example Bundesliga has a lot of Brazilian players, why? If Barcelona or Real Madrid come knocking with a promising project and a lot of money on the table, how many players from those countries you listed will turn them down just because it is Spain?

UK climate is perfect? Wow, first time I heard somebody saying that. Maybe you like it because you are from there (?) but I did not enjoy the weather twice when I was in London, once in Bristol, Manchester and Liverpool at all. Not enough sun that made me depressed. English and Scandinavians from cold climates so they don't care about the sun? Well, for your information there are a lot of British folks living in southern Spain and France, I don't know why there are there then. Don't they find it too warm and hot there? Weird, right?


Well-known member
What we do know is that

  • Barca are 1,173bn in debt, including transfer related fees with 730m of that sum due in the short term while 266m is owed to the banks by 30 June.
  • We have a pandemic, revenue was already lower than costs for a long time, but it's particularly bad now.
  • Messi alone earns 139m a season including bonuses and an image rights contract.
  • Take Messi out and Barca is still the highest payer in wages in Europe.
  • Players accepted voluntary wage reductions, still apparently the club was unable to pay squad wages for December and January.

So without acting like some sort of financial expert I cannot imagine how in the right mind Barca could liquify >100m of anything right now. Even if that works, it will likely just be through more debt and in one year we will read about Barca now being at 1,4bn in the red. Just delaying and further worsening the problem. Next season you would again have the same problems, but the number would be even higher.

I cannot really grasp why people just chose to ignore it and speculate about Haaland, like that is even a priority. To me this all sounds like a very dramatic situation.

I think you might very well be right and Barca won't be able to do anything in the summer, but don't think it's all that clear, and more importantly, even if it is, can't see how we can be sure of it.

Besides not knowing the details of the current debt, we don't know what the next president can do to restructure it. That, together with getting rid of the big earners who don't contribute will have to be his main objectives. Based on results, he might try to get a new loan (of course, there's no other way, Barca most likely won't get much by selling) and buy a big name.
You're saying it'll only delay Barca's problems and accumulate more debt, which is true. But I disagree it worsens the situation in the long run. Such debt figures are high but seem manageable if you succeed at keeping your revenue high. That's certainly every presidents' main goal.
Staying close to the top seems like a goal that will likely be prioritized as it's closely related to the revenue.
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Well-known member
By the way, if he's an Englishman criticizing the taste of Spain's tap water, he's either strongly detached from reality or a troll.

Forgive him if he's a Scot.


Culé de Celestial Empire
What we do know is that

  • Barca are 1,173bn in debt, including transfer related fees with 730m of that sum due in the short term while 266m is owed to the banks by 30 June.
  • We have a pandemic, revenue was already lower than costs for a long time, but it's particularly bad now.
  • Messi alone earns 139m a season including bonuses and an image rights contract.
  • Take Messi out and Barca is still the highest payer in wages in Europe.
  • Players accepted voluntary wage reductions, still apparently the club was unable to pay squad wages for December and January.

So without acting like some sort of financial expert I cannot imagine how in the right mind Barca could liquify >100m of anything right now. Even if that works, it will likely just be through more debt and in one year we will read about Barca now being at 1,4bn in the red. Just delaying and further worsening the problem. Next season you would again have the same problems, but the number would be even higher.

I cannot really grasp why people just chose to ignore it and speculate about Haaland, like that is even a priority. To me this all sounds like a very dramatic situation.

If it is this summer, I think there is zero chance of us getting Haaland, but if it is summer 2022, I think there is a chance, IF we can recover majority portions of our lost revenue due to COVID and IF Laporta manages to refinance our short-term debt. Two big IFs.

Many posters have alluded to it already, it is not about whether or not we can afford Haaland or a top player like him, it will be about whether or not we can afford to not sign a top player to carry the club forward in the post-Messi era. If signing Haaland or another top player adds more debt to the club but at the same time generates more revenue for us, then we will consider doing it; if not, we won?t. Plus, it is not like we or other suitors will need to pay 150m right away to Dortmund, the fee will be stretched over many years like it has always been done.


UK climate is perfect? Wow, first time I heard somebody saying that. Maybe you like it because you are from there (?) but I did not enjoy the weather twice when I was in London, once in Bristol, Manchester and Liverpool at all. Not enough sun that made me depressed. English and Scandinavians from cold climates so they don't care about the sun? Well, for your information there are a lot of British folks living in southern Spain and France, I don't know why there are there then. Don't they find it too warm and hot there? Weird, right?

Are you talking about migration or 2nd homes? 2nd homes, sure France and Spain are popular destinations for 2nd homes for Brits in Europe. If you are talking about permanent migration, then the UK is at the top of the list for people who want to settle here, it's the main reason why Brexit happened.

The UK (along with America) is at the top of list of places people want to live all around the world, if you have a UK passport and want a Thai or Russian bride, then your passport is more appealing than you, why I don't know. Is a Spanish passport the same? I'm not sure, but highly doubt it.

As for weather - As football finishes in May while August, sure footballers may not see great British summers, but the UK have no hurricanes/no tornados/no venomous animals/no harsh summers/no harsh winters, it's perfect and few countries are like that, climate that is very similar to the UK is New Zealand, which is why NZ is such a popular migration option for Brits.

Climate wise I think myself lucky to live in the UK, Canada, half of the year the country is covered in snow, some states in America have hurricane season, tornado season, Australia anything that crawls can kill you.

As for tap water - I can only speak from experience, when I went to Barcelona you could even see how unclean the water was after running it, I had 1 slip and deemed it 'undrinkable'.

Madrid water had a horrible taste but thought it was drinkable, but gave me the shits next day, I know some Spanish tourist islands (such as Ibiza) the water is (or was) totally undrinkable and you have to buy bottled, that used to be rule no1 you had to know when going to Ibiza, things may have changed now with EU standards and what not, but Spanish tap-water had a bad reputation not so long ago and probably still is quite bad compared to some other EU countries.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Are you talking about migration or 2nd homes? 2nd homes, sure France and Spain are popular destinations for 2nd homes for Brits in Europe. If you are talking about permanent migration, then the UK is at the top of the list for people who want to settle here, it's the main reason why Brexit happened.

The UK (along with America) is at the top of list of places people want to live all around the world, if you have a UK passport and want a Thai or Russian bride, then your passport is more appealing than you, why I don't know. Is a Spanish passport the same? I'm not sure, but highly doubt it.

As for weather - As football finishes in May while August, sure footballers may not see great British summers, but the UK have no hurricanes/no tornados/no venomous animals/no harsh summers/no harsh winters, it's perfect and few countries are like that, climate that is very similar to the UK is New Zealand, which is why NZ is such a popular migration option for Brits.

Climate wise I think myself lucky to live in the UK, Canada, half of the year the country is covered in snow, some states in America have hurricane season, tornado season, Australia anything that crawls can kill you.

As for tap water - I can only speak from experience, when I went to Barcelona you could even see how unclean the water was after running it, I had 1 slip and deemed it 'undrinkable'.

Madrid water had a horrible taste but thought it was drinkable, but gave me the shits next day, I know some Spanish tourist islands (such as Ibiza) the water is (or was) totally undrinkable and you have to buy bottled, that used to be rule no1 you had to know when going to Ibiza, things may have changed now with EU standards and what not, but Spanish tap-water had a bad reputation a few years ago and probably still is quite bad compared to EU standards.

The point about a lot of Brits living in southern Spain and France to is to repudiate the claim that people from cold climate don't like warm places, I think many do actually.

Regardless of which country we are talking about, footballers are not picking countries based on climate or weather or standard of living etc. (not that different between the top 5 leagues in Europe anyways), they pick clubs because of opportunities, playing time, fame, prestige and money, like I said above. The point is we, FC Barcelona, has an equal chance landing Haaland as the EPL clubs and Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern and Juventus.


The point about a lot of Brits living in southern Spain and France to is to repudiate the claim that people from cold climate don't like warm places, I think many do actually.

Regardless of which country we are talking about, footballers are not picking countries based on climate or weather or standard of living etc. (not that different between the top 5 leagues in Europe anyways), they pick clubs because of opportunities, playing time, fame, prestige and money, like I said above. The point is we, FC Barcelona, has an equal chance landing Haaland as the EPL clubs and Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern and Juventus.

If we are taking about playing time/fame/prestige then i would agree with you, but as you also said 'money' which is the most important of all those as it costs money to actually buy Haaland from Dortmund + agent fees + wages then Barcelona don't have an equal chance in landing Haaland as English clubs because Barcelona simply don't have 'money'.


Senior Member
Look who it is, the guy i exposed yesterday :sherlock:

And clowns a bit rich coming from you, you're a :shit: head pal and thick as :shit: for matter.


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