Erling Haaland


New member
dembele is the dumbest player ever.
Horrible professionalism, forever injured, horrible decision's making.
So, one big no.

Ansu played like 5 matches in his career and is not that fast.
So, i won't hold my breath.

Trincao hasn't yet kicked the ball and is also slowish.

Messi is almost on a grandpa level and is not a winger anymore.

About changing our philosophy, barca's/pep's/spanish style stopped working in europe and there aren't any indications that it will start working again.

So, the only options are:
1) stick to our style without changes and get himiliated over and over
2) eventually move towards modern, faster, more direct football from bayern and liverpool

also, the system and players which work well against getafe (parked buses) don't work at all in europe against teams who plays faster, athletic football.



Senior Member
If Haland doesn't suit us, can you name a few wingers and No9s who fit here?

With this logic, none speedy winger will fit here if we play against parked buses all the time.

So, who are our type of attackers for 2020 onwards?

Bullshit. What even is this equivalency? And can you name some players, apart from Haaland (whos impossible), for 2020 onwards? We settle for Dembele, Fati and co because they are our most viable options at the moment. We cant magically create a few Balon d Or winners out of thin air. Has nothing to do with "Barca DNA" either. Its much more straightforward.

You think Pep would turn down prime Ronaldo, Neymar, Suarez and co (who are miles apart from "Barca DNA")? Which makes your whole crusade so pointless. You always point at players failing and say, well, Barca DNA struck again when its so much simpler: most are just not good enough. Or past their prime.

And then try to costruct a narrative about how we are shit, because of our outdated Spanish/Pep style - that we pracised with guys like Vidal and Rakitic as starters :lol: Maybe our players were just outdated. And dont forget to compare the achievements of Barcelona and Spain recently with ~20 other nations and clubs combined to point out how much we underachieved.


Well-known member
We have plenty of wingers already in Dembele, Ansu Fati, Trincao, (Messi?). What more do you want?

What difference does Haland make as #9 if we play against parked buses all the time? The only benefits Haland brings to the table is that he's tall, physical, decent header, and has great sense of positioning but either way it doesn't mean anything against a parked bus if all our other forwards are 170-185cm tall.
If you look at Haland play you can see that he's not very technical player and can't take part in playmaking and so. He's just going to waste time on the pitch and touch the ball couple times every 10 minutes which doesn't benefit us at all. He's very much like Mario Gomez or Jonathan Soriano type of player and it's just a waste.

Unless you want to change our entire playing philosophy and system which is going affect every other players role on the pitch just for the sake of one 19 year old striker.

Haaland's movement off the ball and runs into space are a huge asset we could definitely use. Awesome positional awareness and rarely caught off-side. Combine our good passing with his advanced smarts, timing and superior speed, and we inflict serious pain on the transitions /counter breaks to teams playing high-lines.

Now, in the park the bus scenario, he'd add plenty of arrows to our quiver as well:

1/ Blietz them with long shots : you either get a deflection (own goal or corner), a handball (penalty), rebound of the keeper or the posts (Big Foot can score with his long legs and ultra quick reactions) or keeper catches the ball (We try again).
2/ Have our best dribblers buy a ticket and pick some pockets inside the jammed packed bus: same as above + get tripped and get a penalty.
3/ Have Haaland take the driver's seat in that park bus and Chip/lob the ball to his big forehead. Easy score.
4/ When he zigzags inside inside the box or shifts to one side, he immediately draws defenders, creating more space for our other scorers. Defo an asset.

Can we please stop with this Barca DNA obsession? How well has this exactly translated into our playing style in the past few years. It's a basic principle. If you're rigid as a tree in your thinking, you get axed. :jason2:

Sacrificing results for a philosophy will not only make you lose titles but will also, by making you predictable, ruin the very playing style you wish to achieve in the first place.

What you want is to be able to adapt and apply different strategies on the go, depending on the situations and opposition. That's as many variations and channels of attack as possible.

Let's skip the basic fittings and go straight for the top of the line upgrade with all the perks and gadgets: the new A.I. stealth, anti-tracking, see me no more marking equipped Big Foot Haal 9000

K maybe I went a bit OTT hehe but you get the point


Senior Member
And dont forget to compare the achievements of Barcelona and Spain recently with ~20 other nations and clubs combined to point out how much we underachieved.

Spain 2014, 2016, 2018
Barca 2013-2020
Pep's Bayern and City

After 2012, these 3 teams combined played on 18 big tournaments.
They reached 1 final in 18 attempts.

Tell me more about this domination lately.
Or will you stretch it to 2008?

I mean, Milan dominated in 80s and 90s, Brasil dominated in the 20th century.
Brasil could say: name me one NT team who won more WC titles than us in the last 70 years = which means that we are totally dominating.
And we don't need to evolve. Our system is still the best. That's who we are.

Or Milan: they could say: we are the 2nd best European team in the last 30-ish years. Our style, system, club is perfect. No need to change anything. I mean, it worked in 90s and only Real won more titles. Those who say that our system is not working anymore are idiots.
We just need more money, and then we will replicate our style from 1990 and that's it. We will conquer the world the same as then.
Isn't it?

** So, would you say that Ac Milan's system from 1990 and Brasil's system from 60s or 1994 are still awesome and they don't need any tweaks?

And then, if Ac Milan from 1990 needs tweaks in 2020, how come that Barca/Spain from 2010 don't/won't need tweaks in 2020 or 2030?

What, our system is eternal?
And different to all other systems from the past who are outdated today?
It can survive time and eras UNLIKE any other winning system from the past?

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Senior Member
Thats kind of the point. We had our last big success in 2015. Spains generation after Xavi and Iniesta was pretty shit. We are transitioning. We cant just win with the same core for 10+ years. Bayern needed 7 years to be relevant again, Liverpool needed god knows how many. France, Germany the same. It has nothing to do with our style but player quality. And even then fast, athletic players are very much welcome (see Messi, Toure, Neymar, Ronaldinho, Etoo, and so many more).


Senior Member
Thats kind of the point. We had our last big success in 2015. Spains generation after Xavi and Iniesta was pretty shit. We are transitioning. We cant just win with the same core for 10+ years. Bayern needed 7 years to be relevant again, Liverpool needed god knows how many. France, Germany the same. It has nothing to do with our style but player quality. And even then fast, athletic players are very much welcome (see Messi, Toure, Neymar, Ronaldinho, Etoo, and so many more).

If by "relevant" you mean "CL or bust", then sure, Bayern weren't relevant before they won it again.

Most people will say reaching the semi-final almost every season since they last won it is actually pretty good.


Senior Member
Top notch finishing from this guy, god knows we need him performing at this level if we are ever to qualify for a major tournament again.


Senior Member
So, the only options are:
1) stick to our style without changes and get himiliated over and over
2) eventually move towards modern, faster, more direct football from Bayern and Liverpool

Totally agreed. Barca must abandon its old, predictable and too well known style and move to modern football.


Active member
we cannot let that happen. Either him or Mbappe.

I will take Halaand over Mbappe anyday.

Also you don't want to deal with PSG, let Madrid strain their relationship with PSG over Mbappe. While we can easily deal with a selling club like BVB.


New member
EBH is the easier option since he has a relase clause, I believe. However, I personally prefer KM.

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