Ernesto Valverde - V1


Senior Member
Just fucking announce it already, don't care if it's fired or resignation, to save face for our trait of not firing managers. I just don't wanna see his ugly and helpless face on our sidelines ever again, even the Getafe game would be too much. If he's not out by the weekend, I'm probably skipping the game. Time for a full on Valverde boycott. Get him out today or tomorrow, make Pimienta the interim manager, then make a decision after the Copa final to go after someone else or give Pimienta a chance, and bring Xavi in as his assistant. Where better for him to prepare for the eventual take over in 2021 than here at home, he can use the next 2 years to getting to know everything there is to know about the team and make his inevitable transition to head manager in 2021 that much smoother.


Senior Member
If Ev stays next season, same old thing. Going through the motions: smash La Liga minions, have Messi save us from game to game, scrape through champions league group stages, drab football Gala Xi till we die, hope for Messi to score in RO16, win against a pathetic Madrid side, every player bows and thank the fans: see we doing a great job. Pathetico bottle themselves and then after all this come the finale, get trashed against European sides in the QF or SF. Win a mighty Copa Del Rey.

Smash minions? We defended vs Rayo this year and went full strength vs Huesca...


The Culest
Did you forget to take your medication today? I know this is a difficult time for Barcelona fans but don't take our your aggression on me.

He didn't quote you genius :lol:

Can't blame ya. You had such a massive hard on for Valmierda that if anybody shouts Valgreen fanboy you automatically assume its you. :lol:

Or are you and Havesaks the same person? Wouldn't surprise me at all.
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Senior Member
He is gonna leave, which many here wants. But I doubt anything will change. Different scenarios, but same end product.
I've been saying this all-season long, since September 1st actually, we lack what it takes to win CL. we are club with total lack of sense of urgency and absolutely complacent. The core outfield players are 6 players who are over 30. All of them have won CL, 5 of them have at least played a WC final or won continental tournament. They had all success in the world.
This wasn't specific to this season, but it has been the story for 7 out of last 8 seasons. 7 fuckin seasons we see this players acts like they don't give a shit on the pitch. Has anything changed?
The root of the problem starts with the socios, who are mostly senior citizen who follow Grupo Godó mouthpieces religiously, those are the people who gave Rossell a historic unprecedented win in 2010 just after Laporta gave us 2nd CL, out of 3 total in club history at that time. Basically giving our historic president the middle finger during the peak of his success

Those guys are happy with our domestic success, I mean they can enjoy us winning 19 home games in Liga over 3-6 games in CL. They don't share same mentality or goals of international fans, this has been clear for years now.
The club is a product of that culture, the superiors never force the change. How many senior player did the club told him to leave? How many senior player did we refuse to gave a contract extension? Raki might be the only name I've in mind, probably because he asked way too soon when he was too old and didn't have such long history.
Pepe had bigger history with RM than Mascherano yet the former was told to pack his bags and the later had to decide when and where to leave based on his timeline, in middle of the season too. Xavi was ok to stay at the age of 35, while being starter at the age of 34 too while he was actually severely declining since 2011 season was over. Casillas was shown the door at similar time when he also had such huge history with his club.
It is good to have good gestures to players who gave it their all, but in football you also need to be ruthless. You can't be too comfortable.

And an equally devastating problem, is the lack of sporting project since Zubi was given the axe
Roberto was a guy of mid-table mentality, and Abidal is showing signs of that early on. Those guys never look at the big picture.
Lack of sporting project was why they thought Coutinho is a natural fit here, why they thought Dembele is superior talent than Mpabbe and why they were happy getting versatile and Liga proven Arda and the Spanish Vidal , why they thought they stole Gomes from RM etc.

There is some lack of understanding of some of the basics. And it actually look to continue for next season

Everyone loves FDJ, and kid is good and everything. But is he a CM or DM? This is a question that no one can answer for sure. He is DM right now with Ajax, his best attributes comes from playing deep, but he also make runs that isn't allowed from Barca DM, on the ball he is closer to Barca CM than DM.
If he is DM, who protects the defense? Is it him and Arthur? if he is CM, how is gonna coexist with Arthur when they mostly occupy similar space? who is gonna create for attack?
That isn't speaking against FDJ, in the contrary, but failing to realize those details before he arrived, and knowing what is exactly his role when he will be under immense pressure thanks to his price tag (we aren't a tolerant fanbase to costly players) can be simply setting the kid for failure, even with all the talent in the world.

And everyone favorite De Ligt is having same problem, he lacks speed, Pique lacks speed and same for Lenglet. Our defense can't work like that, we always need speedy CB. that has been the case for almost 17 years now. And last couple of games showed why.
If we have same defensive set up, we are again setting up kid for failure, at least for short run. And rumors that we will sell Umtiti if we sign him isn't encouraging since he is the only quick CB we had. That means either we don't care about quickness or we think injuries has taken it from him.

Hell, do we even know who call shots? Is it Abidal or Segura?

The list goes on and on. And EV will leave, but same shit will continue.
This was same reason I defended EV (and I stand to everything I previously wrote btw) because I've never believed in this squad nor the current stat of the club.
Cl was never the club top goal, they never really worked for it. It was always domestic success and he has delivered it. And even that won't last long in the future without a systematic change in the club.

Laporta was at the end of his second term in 2010 he couldn't be elected again at that time. Those are the rules of the club. Majority of the thing you said are correct but IMHO Zubi was far from perfect sporting director.

The one person I would like to see here again (together with Pep) is Txiki Begiristain.
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The Culest
I know, I just said I (and others) want a squad shake up too, because Wolfe was implying that we just want a new manager and that’s all that’s needed.

That's your mistake right there, taking that troll seriously :lol:
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Senior Member
Just thinking about it he said: It is what it is in the interview at the end.

That's what a Borisov Tractor and Automobile Elecronics coach would say acter getting his arse whooped 5-0 at Camp Nou by Barca.

Yeah we need someone unhinged like Mourinho, look at Herr Klopp laughing when Messi scored that free kick he's not all there, who knows what he tells his players during half time.

Another one is Pep look at pep in the dressing room when City are WINNING,can you imagine EV doing that?

This is exactly what we needed at the half time, a coach that can shout at the players, motivate them, be a real leader.

I really want to know how the barcelona dressing room was at half time, i cant imagine valverde showing any sort of emotion or leadership.

The second the liverpool players came out of the tunnel i knew we are going to lose this tie, they were all smiling, motivated, it was scary..


Senior Member
It's too funny hearing khaled_a_d talk about the socios being the problem, when I'm 100% sure if he could vote he would vote along the same lines as the socios have.

He as been all in on the rosell & barto train, and was constantly screaming this is fine as the club changed it's core identity over the years under current the current leadership.

Telling us constantly the board is going okay & has the best interest of the club at heart, now it's the socios fault for voting in these guy? :Lol:

The problem is Barca fans like you & the socios who only care about winning in the here & now.


Senior Member
Funny how you go back to his Barca TV interview when he first signed.

Talked about how he wanted to make a system that didn't rely so much on Messi and talked about how we should be giving youth a chance. Yet fast forward to now, it's funny how he made the team so Messi dependant.

We gave Lucho shit for being so MSN dependant but I feel what Valverde has done is so far worse. He made the team rely so much on Messi that we are fucked when he isn't doing well, you have players who have to constantly look for him only instead of trusting their own judgment.

Valverde's system feels like a team is being intentially strangled. I'm not blaming Messi as he has been saving our Bacon for years now but man we cannot be so dependant on him all the time.


Active member
It's been long overdue that the board made a horrible decision and I have a bad feeling not firing EV will be one.


Senior Member
Funny how you go back to his Barca TV interview when he first signed.

Talked about how he wanted to make a system that didn't rely so much on Messi and talked about how we should be giving youth a chance. Yet fast forward to now, it's funny how he made the team so Messi dependant.

We gave Lucho shit for being so MSN dependant but I feel what Valverde has done is so far worse. He made the team rely so much on Messi that we are fucked when he isn't doing well, you have players who have to constantly look for him only instead of trusting their own judgment.

Valverde's system feels like a team is being intentially strangled. I'm not blaming Messi as he has been saving our Bacon for years now but man we cannot be so dependant on him all the time.


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