Ernesto Valverde - V1


Senior Member
As much as I want him.out, who's available for us to get?
This Barca is old, so whether Valverde stays or we bring in a new coach, we need to start building a team for the future and stop trying to force our way into winning the champions league.
We tried to do that and it hasn't worked out
Let things be instead of trying to make them be.
Liverpool has had a project for almost 5? Years now, and it's paying off.

I'd lure Klopp but he won't come to a club like Barca, sadly. Would've been the best way to prepare for Messi's retirement had Barca appointed him at the end of this season and start rebuilding the team from scrap, keep just Messi, Stegen, De Jong, De Ligt and few others but that's just pure SF, unfortunately.


The Culest
Guys this it. With a heavy heart i'm writing the final checklist of the season. No more checklists until the fraud is booted to the curb on his coward ass.

Valgreen's voodoo/luck finally ran out- Check

Roma 2.0- Check

'"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'"- Check

Nobody surprised at this result except Malmierda cheerleaders- Check

The first team in CL who took their chances annihilating us- Check

Doing the impossible by managing to get cucked by Lord Origi in the absence of Salah and Firmino- Check

Valverde turning our team into mental midgets and Barca into the joke of Europe- Check

BBZ's workhorses theory dying a lamer death than the white walkers- Check

Coutinho flopping, Suarez fighting, Rakitic hiding, Busquets jogging and the cuck on the sidelines cluelessly watching- Check

Roberto starting again after his horrorshow and Vidal being subbed summing up the ball-less wanker's reign- Check

Mr. "I don't want our team to be dependent on Messi" turning us into Messi and his 10 waterboys- Check

Took a 2nd successive CL thrashing for many people to realize he's a fraud and should have been sacked after Roma- Check

Most of Valmierda cheerleaders like Ursegor, Horatio etc. going into hiding- Check

Retardo still the manager after 24 hours when Perez would have sacked him at FT- Check

Turning Cruyff's team into a very expensive Atletico with none of defense but all of the bottling- Check

BBZ and Havesaks going full retard with "but but the team is shit" and the legendary "but but we have always been bottlers"- Check

Wolfe having the last laugh- Check

Unsurprisingly the grandpas in the dressing room still backing their subservient good boy- Check

Wouldn't be surprised if Fraudverde stays after winning the Copa- Check

Another year of the GOAT wasted by a gangster president and his puppet henchman- Check


New member
Koeman is a legend but his managerial career has been shit. His teams haven't played good football.

I would like Nuno Santo. He's Don a great job at Wolves.

His dutch team has been really good so I hope he gets a chance again.
This team is fucked anyways even if Koeman fails here.


New member
Could have faced an easy Tottenham side in the final. Valverde blew the clubs easiest chance to win the CL in decades.

None of the tough bastards of the past like your Real Madrid's, Juventus', Utd's, Chelsea's or Bayern's to contend with, battered by a Liverpool team without 40+ goals through injuries.

The man is a cunt beyond words. I wish very evil things on him. He'd better fucking walk or the fans should riot.

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