Ernesto Valverde - V1


Active member
Guys like BBZ, havesaks, Wolfe, khaled and the new tackle guy are essential for the forum. They provide a counterbalance to the “group think” on this forum and without them it wouldn’t be worth reading.

They might not always be right, but they are right a lot of the time, they present their arguments in a reasonable and intellectual way and make many salient points.

Contrast that with the other guys who spend most of their time writing like 12 year olds and throwing around personal insults.

Just be real and say they are vital because you agree with them since you are one of those mentioned EV apologists along with them.

Also there was no "groupthink" before Anfield if anything there were very few anti Ev people like me and a plethora of you. Now after Anfield, the small lot of you try to push a shitty victim card narrative about how we cyberbully the fuck outta you for calling you out on your accusations about us back then and how you are the voice of reason and mature. I remember how after Anfield khaled posted in the suggestion and feedback thread saying how evil it was of all of us to tag the Ev apologists after the comeback asking for their opinion :lol:

Check out BBZ's posts on EV pre Anfield and you will be surprised by the amount of shite he spoke. All of you in general actually. It was beyond cancerous of you not just to constantly defend his shit tactics week in week out by claiming how we are getting results and shit while incessantly calling us, the actual voice of reason and ones who went away from "groupthink" back then, spoiled and entitled. Apart from Khaled most of you are just plain ridiculous and many may consider Wolfe a fine poster but a quick trip to the TV show thread will tell you otherwise. The dude just posted in suggestions thread that this forum is pretty shitty these days because of crap posters because apparently, people are bashing GOT (which the whole word is btw) :lol:

I remember having pages long debates with Jamdav pre-Roma about how crap we were in reality, getting bashed by everyone in the process for me attributing so many of our wins to luck and Messi. Ev criticizers were way lesser than this time. And even this time we were the actual voice of reason and very small in number, now the whole forum is EV out but back then a handful of us were actually bashing him day in and day out and got so much shit for that but we never played the victim card. Fast forward to now when we were actually proven right, guys like you still don't have the decency or shame to at least keep quiet.

I have a feeling that slowly as the storm passes by your faction will slowly rise to defend EV more.


The Culest
many may consider Wolfe a fine poster but a quick trip to the TV show thread will tell you otherwise. The dude just posted in suggestions thread that this forum is pretty shitty these days because of crap posters because apparently, people are bashing GOT (which the whole word is btw) :lol:.

Wolfe went down the drain when his troll job of being a Valgreen apologist went horribly wrong. From then on he descended completely into madness and has turned into a full time contrarian troll. A poor man's Jamdav if you will.


Senior Member
There are no redeeming qualities when it comes to Valverde, he's basically the pound shop version of guys such as Simeone and Mou.

Guy failed where it mattered. Winning the league and Copa is great and all but are two main competitors have been utter garbage in the league for the last couple of seasons now making the achievements look weak as a result.

Guess I'll never understand why people are willing to die on the hill when it comes to defending Valverde. He hasn't shown anything to deserve it. Look past the two league titles+Copa he won and what he has done to improve the team and players?

The answer is nothing absolutely fucking nothing. Real easy to work off what Lucho and Pep era players that are still here but the real test actually integrating and developing your own players that come under you and Valverde has failed big time in that regard.

His work here so far makes you question how he even made it far as he has. He refuses to learn from any mistake and progress as a coach as he sticks to his old ways. Like a Captain of a ship heading towards an iceberg and refusing to move off course because he thinks the ship itself is unsinkable.


Senior Member
There are no redeeming qualities when it comes to Valverde, he's basically the pound shop version of guys such as Simeone and Mou.

Guy failed where it mattered. Winning the league and Copa is great and all but are two main competitors have been utter garbage in the league for the last couple of seasons now making the achievements look weak as a result.

Guess I'll never understand why people are willing to die on the hill when it comes to defending Valverde. He hasn't shown anything to deserve it. Look past the two league titles+Copa he won and what he has done to improve the team and players?

The answer is nothing absolutely fucking nothing. Real easy to work off what Lucho and Pep era players that are still here but the real test actually integrating and developing your own players that come under you and Valverde has failed big time in that regard.

His work here so far makes you question how he even made it far as he has. He refuses to learn from any mistake and progress as a coach as he sticks to his old ways. Like a Captain of a ship heading towards an iceberg and refusing to move off course because he thinks the ship itself is unsinkable.

Similar vision with those two, but where Valverde fails a lot in comparison to them is authority and motivational side. Mourinho in his best days and Simeone made their players give 100%. That's the only chance to bring this style to CL wins and CL finals.

There's a similarity between Atletico's 0-3 loss vs Juventus (after 2-0 at home) and our 0-4 loss vs Liverpool (after 3-0). Basically, Valverde is the much inferior version of Simeone/Mourinho. He is like them, but without the cutting edge that brought these managers success in Europe.
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High Definition Member
I never hide or “keep quiet”.

Also I don’t know how many times I need to remind people, every time I write it it seems to be ignored, I did not want valverde to continue, and said this before the first leg of the Liverpool game. All I did was give him credit where it was due, but that somehow makes me an “apologist”.

I could have joined the mob who just pile on criticism non stop but that would be boring, so I thought it was right to point out some of the good aspects of what he was doing.
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I mentioned it on Dembélé's page.

Barca Enfield to operate the same process with which he often operates, do not be surprised, just this time the process did not bring a victory, but a defeat, a humiliation. But as Valverde swears by the uncertain results of football, it took a defeat for you to understand that his process was not the right one.
As Cryuff said, "I prefer to lose with my ideas than those of another.
This evening of May 7, Barça has neither the means to discard nor the victory.
Players who found themselves humiliated for the second time in two seasons.
A team that has accepted to incorporate an idea that is not his own without knowing how to put it into practice, a real humiliation of the last years.
Under the Valverde era, Barça is completely deformed from his idea.
When I talk about ideas, I speak in general terms about the principles of total football with all the coaches who have triumphed with this club from the European chain (Cryuff, Rijkard, Guardiola, Enriqué), all belonging to the same school. .


Well-known member
I never hide or “keep quiet”.

Also I don’t know how many times I need to remind people, every time I write it it seems to be ignored, I did not want valverde to continue, and said this before the first leg of the Liverpool game. All I did was give him credit where it was due, but that somehow makes me an “apologist”.

I could have joined the mob who just pile on criticism non stop but that would be boring, so I thought it was right to point out some of the good aspects of what he was doing.

I give the Valv credit for remaining stoic and not crumbling under the cascade of animosity thrown his way, his house getting vandalised and all.

Barto is the real retardo supremo numero uno. He could've easily encouraged the Valv to take more risks and taken power out of the hands of the very important players. His leaderships sucks more than the Hitcase SuckR Mount.

I'm off to Vanuatu. See ya guys next season あばよ :tiphat:


High Definition Member
I give the Valv credit for remaining stoic and not crumbling under the cascade of animosity thrown his way, his house getting vandalised and all.

Barto is the real retardo supremo numero uno. He could've easily encouraged the Valv to take more risks and taken power out of the hands of the very important players. His leaderships sucks more than the Hitcase SuckR Mount.

I'm off to Vanuatu. See ya guys next season あばよ :tiphat:

have fun mate :cheers:


Yep. Even though Setien is far from ideal, when it comes to handling world class players. He looks like a pleaser, which should delight the Board and keep our senior players still somewhat happy, and he also comes with an expiration date, considering how Betis fell apart this season in the long run, but at least he practices much more exciting brand of football, which should improve our most technical and talented players like Dembele, Arthur, Semedo, De Jong, Alena, Malcom, Puig, especially improve their mentality, give them that hope back and not instead keep sucking the footballing life out of them. Plus, I feel that Setien would be much more inclined to change and give chances to our younger players, when it would become clear that our oldies couldn't cut it playing his way of football, which he doesn't negotiate for, while Valverde is just fine and 'it is what it is' mentality is destroying any hope for an improvement and any kind of change.

So the quality of the football and the whole climate under Setien would massively improve and I could actually go without skipping the whole next season watching Barca. With Setien we could at least get excited until 2021 (cause he wouldn't be here longer anyway) and have more hope of retaining much of our current crop of youngsters, which would be a shame to lose (and we will lose them) until 2021, if Valverde stays until then. Actually anyone new who comes, the feeling couldn't be worse than it is now. The players look dead, the Board content with their domestic doubles and having a pleaser, who doesn't give a shit, for a manager, the manager is happy with his big fat paycheck and doesn't wanna give it up, and even the fan base is looking more and more dead, since we see no one from our Board to the team wishing for improvement.

EV is not such a bad choice for Barca as you're overreacting. We're guaranteed to win a domestic double next season and the CL is just more luck based than any other competition. If Alba decided to shoot in that 4 vs 1 situation, we would have been through to the final and if Dembele scored that last chance he had, things could be different. The small moments matter. We're almost there. We reached the semi final this season. EV needs more players to fit in his system. Players like Griezzy and Willian would thrive in his pragmatic, counterattacking tactical setup, I'm sure of it. He just needs a little more upgrade to the current team, no more. I think we can compete next season for the treble.


EV is not such a bad choice for Barca as you're overreacting. We're guaranteed to win a domestic double next season and the CL is just more luck based than any other competition. If Alba decided to shoot in that 4 vs 1 situation, we would have been through to the final and if Dembele scored that last chance he had, things could be different. The small moments matter. We're almost there. We reached the semi final this season. EV needs more players to fit in his system. Players like Griezzy and Willian would thrive in his pragmatic, counterattacking tactical setup, I'm sure of it. He just needs a little more upgrade to the current team, no more. I think we can compete next season for the treble.

Of course,
give him a 36-year-old guy who will help him build the retirement home and destroy the club until the end.
like that, there will be nothing left to hope for.


Well-known member
EV is not such a bad choice for Barca as you're overreacting. We're guaranteed to win a domestic double next season and the CL is just more luck based than any other competition. If Alba decided to shoot in that 4 vs 1 situation, we would have been through to the final and if Dembele scored that last chance he had, things could be different. The small moments matter. We're almost there. We reached the semi final this season. EV needs more players to fit in his system. Players like Griezzy and Willian would thrive in his pragmatic, counterattacking tactical setup, I'm sure of it. He just needs a little more upgrade to the current team, no more. I think we can compete next season for the treble.

With the amount of sarcastic comments here i really can't tell if you're serious or not


Senior Member
If you look at the 2 teams in this years CL final, both teams allowed the manager to shape the team in their image. Barca currently have no image, we are relying on individual brilliance mainly from the GOAT which is why we keep fucking up in the CL

at Barca we have a clear lack of communication between board and manager. Barto obviously wants a puppet yes man who he leaves to sort out the mess we get ourselves into with recruiting.

take Malcom for example. we needed a LW and Valverde asked for Willian. the board allegedly bid but pulled out and got Malcom instead.. Malcom is a RW where we already have Messi/Dembele.. Willian would of been able to play at LW. the manager clearly didn't want Malcom. is Willian Barca quality? no but it was the order of the manager. if the manager is asking for mediocre oldies like that its probably a good idea to start looking for a manager who understands the size of this club

if you aren't going to trust and back the manager, whats the fucking point?

same thing with Coutinho. the board saw him as Iniestas replacement but clearly Valverde didn't, a huge lack of trust playing him in midfield. the result? we are gonna have to shift him at a huge loss

I'll get shit thrown at me for this and im not making excuses, EV is midtable at best but if we actually allowed him to buy the players he thought the team needed for his style of play*, imo there atleast wouldn't be situations like Malcom and Coutinho. this summer we will probably buy Griezmann and everyone (including me) will go beserk when we lineup with Griezmann-Suarez-Messi and maybe im giving Ernie too much credit but i can't believe hes THAT stupid to not see how bad Suarez is playing.

*I'm NOT saying we should, as we'd end up with Parejo and the like but that to me says hes not the right man for the job in the first place

we don't even have a manager at this point, Valverde will sit on the bench collecting his $$$ while the seniors do whatever they want. Barto is too scared to rock the boat by hiring the ruthless manager we need


High Definition Member

I noticed that you had to qualify several times that you don’t like valverde/don’t want him to continue as manager. This was because your post actually had some nuance and a vague defence of valverde. You know that you’d be jumped on by certain posters for even saying that, called an “apologist” or whatever, even though it’s clear you’re not a fan of him and don’t want him to continue as manager. It shows the tone of the forum these days.

I myself don’t want him to continue and have been labelled as a valverde “backer”/apologist” just for stating some things I thought he has done well and other factors at play outside of the manager. Barca’s failure at anfield was a combination of factors including the manager, players and the board/sporting department.
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Senior Member
There should be no debate about this fool. He needs to be dumped ASAP. We are not Leicester city or Girona. Last year was bad enough but this year was unforgivable.

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