Ernesto Valverde


Active member
Looking at our away games performance this season, I just know we are going to be humiliated in KO for the third year in a row. I can't believe I'm saying this but I just want us to lose the next to UCL group stage games so finally we might get rid of this parasite coach.

The worse scenario is he stays, we got humiliated again in UCL KO, he leaves in the summer after making close to 100m easy salary in 3 years (accumulated). We hire another mediocre "Barca DNA" coach called Koeman.



Senior Member
The Wind! :lol: :lol:


Imagine playing like shit vs a shit oponent and the coach of a +billion team saying that we should go back to barca happy because the pitch ( comentators said that the pitch is one of the best in Spain ) or the wind ( fucking lol ? ) were not good towards us.

Bruuuuuh dawgsss i can't anymore.

Marshall D Teach

Active member
Another day off :lol:

What a circus

This is going to fall apart. The only question is when. And the later it is, the worse it's going to be.
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Senior Member
Not 'playing beautifully' is his go-to red herring. He tries to paint himself a realist, a conservative, who always knows how to get the win, even in tough conditions. It's really disgusting actually.


Senior Member
🔊 Valverde: "The reason I subbed off Busquets was due to his yellow card".

🔊 Valverde: "We had difficulties turning the game around. In the end, we managed to do it due to strategic plays".

🔊 Valverde: "We have won games, as well as lost games. There are matches you have to win to fight for titles".

🔊 Valverde: "We feel good about the upcoming match in the Champions League. Today, we won at a difficult ground".


Senior Member
So the players get a day off when they run a bit too much in Ernesto's mind.

Funny thing is we would still be 5-10KM off most teams even if we "Ran to much"

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