5 games this season. 2 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss. We haven't won a single away game, but even bigger than that we've looked like the absolutely worse side in every one of those games and been pretty much dominated.
It's one thing to draw to Osasuna and Dortmund, and lose to Athletic. That is straight up bad enough. But we've literally been outshot 39 to 26 in our away games. The opponent outshot us in every one of those games. Fucking Osasuna of all teams almost DOUBLED us in shots, 15-8. For fucks sake.
We actually have delusional apologists out there on twitter and r/Barca sipping their tea saying "but muh ackshually El Sadar is a very tough game and we are lucky to get points

The absolute fucking state of this club and its fanbase. The incredibly high level of pessimism in this forum is the only thing that gets anywhere NEAR to the truth, most of twitter/reddit is completely retarded in comparison. And even then you have idiots like [MENTION=23863]Tackle[/MENTION] and [MENTION=16942]BBZ8800[/MENTION] saying "our best course of action is to just stick with Valverde anyway because it's impossible to do better and no one else could actually do any better for us". And Tackle going further and saying "support Valverde to support the club otherwise you're a fucking plastic fan who has no clue about priorities".
The start of this season is basically a picture preview of how we're going to get bent over in dominated in CL knockout away games, a perfect illustration.