If it were for the fans, Argentina should not have won either. Seen quite a few "macacos" messages from this lot to wars Brazilians.
If it's for the "fans" then almost no team ever would deserve to win anything. Every fan base has scumbags, racists or at least supporters who are maybe not bad people in general but let "the bad side" (which everyone has deep inside us) out of them in a heat of the moment. There are obvious things that no sane grown-up person should never say to another person. But nowadays "keyboard warriors" write things that 99% of them would never say if they would met that person face to face.
If it's for true fans who will support their team and players through good and bad and can behave then every team deserves to win.
I would like to believe than in any fan base second group is in a big majority but that smaller % of people is usually who we see most of the times doing things that embarass other well behaved fans supporting the same team.
And well, (social) media makes things even worse. Mediots are condemning the fans who put their team/country in a bad light with their behaviour but at the same time I don't think most of them really care too much as long as they get their clicks, retweets, likes etc. And because of how human brain work people fighting and kicking each other create more interest than people singing, dancing and peacefully supporting their team.
But at the end of the day it's just football. Support your team and players (especially those going through bad period who need someone to cheer them up) and respect the opponents, it's not that hard. It maybe doesn't seem so a day after the big final but there are far more important things in life than winning or losing a football game.
What happened to Eriksen is one of those things. In one moment he was a young, healthy, famous, rich footballer with a lovely family and a few seconds later he could lose all of that if not for a sober reaction of his teammates (mostly Kjaer) and doctors saving him. It's just another reminder how quickly a life we know can turn on the head. But the amount of love, support and unity he got not only from a football community but basically the whole world still makes me love football and keep faith there is something good in humanity even if we also get regular reminders of fans acting like idiots.
Hope it's not true, but seen it a few times already.
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