Euro 2024

Who will win?

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Senior Member
Demiral's gesture is of course political and expression of belonging to the far-right Grey Wolves Turks. Ultranationalist part of Turkish society, that is embraced by the state, though.
Then why are all the turks and other brown/black people, who are all racists, nationalists and ultra violent to top it off, invited to flood the West in millions? They all look like hateful invaders from what their behavior entails, but i guess it's okay as long as violence and hate harms the locals, right?
Implying LGBT (rainbow flag) people are automatically 'pedos' is rather out of line. And I say that as a straight white male.
Depends, who you are talking about. Not all homosexuals are lgbt activists. Those, who are tho, are for most part perverts, who seek access to brainwash children. Somebody, who has sex with same sex guy or gal isn't rainbow guy just because that. All the pride and "sexual education" activists are, even if latently. They're leadership and bankrollers definitely are. All of them. There's no other goal for current rainbow demons than to sexualize children without their parents permit and that is what the flag is symbol of.
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Well-known member
They only seem to enforce it when it's politics they don't like. You wear a gay pride armband or kneel for BLM and they never say a word.
Let's rephrase it then. Fifa/Uefa doesn't allow fascist political expressions, but they're okay with promoting minorities, because they themselves push for diversity.


Well-known member
Then why are all the turks and other brown/black people, who are all racists, nationalists and ultra violent to top it off, invited to flood the West in millions? They all feel right invaders from what their behavior entails, but i guess it's okay as long as violence harms the locals, right?
This is getting off topic in a Euro thread.

All racist? How did you reach that conclusion?

Post WWII Germany realized they needed workforce as 4 million German Aryan blood died for the Lebensraum in the war and needed workforce. Recruiting Spaniards, Portuguese, Greeks, Turks and Yugoslavs in the decades that followed to compensate the economy. The Turks didn't come as bohemians from Istanbul, they were from regions of Turkey, which were less developed and less educated.

Every migrant has its core nationalism at heart, but the motivation is not "let's invade Italy for the greatness of Sudan and establish a colony.". People are running away from conflicts and poverty seeking better life and opportunities.
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Senior Member
All racist? How did you reach that conclusion?
Because they don't teach "antiracism" to each other there. They only understand the term "racism" in context of whites lashing and whipping each other for it, when some poor negroe gets called mean name here. One of the many reason why they love coming to Europe. They can rape little children and be given probation time, while some guy, who said mean word to them will get couple of years jail.


Well-known member
They can rape little children and be given probation time, while some guy, who said mean word to them will get couple of years jail.
I'm with you on Syrians and Afghans acting out of order. I have relatives living in Germany that tell me the same, but rape of children is not mentioned and I'm not aware of. Comlpaints are about their laziness and milking the welfare system. Men are just sitting in cafés idling.


Senior Member
I could given you numerous examples on how judges rule against dark skinned sexual offenders in various Western countries and it's beyond atrocious, but now is not the time and have to sift through my old posts.

The point however here is that, i repeat myself, nobody in the world outside of white people are being brainwashed into acknowledging racism among themselves and then punishing each other for it. A black man doesn't even know that he can be racist against asian or white man. He would be baffled, if you told him about it. Especially one living in Africa.


Well-known member
Got this as early predictions, plenty of time to change it though.

Spain 1-1 Germany (one team to win on penalties)
Portugal 1-2 France
England 1-2 Switzerland
Netherlands 2-1 Turkey

It doesn't always work out this way, but they should be quite tight games. I am probably optimistic for goals too - likely be a 1-0 or 0-0 in there. Obviously I am against Portugal and England doing well too, so maybe influenced by bias a little.


Senior Member
Got this as early predictions, plenty of time to change it though.

Spain 1-1 Germany (one team to win on penalties)
Portugal 1-2 France
England 1-2 Switzerland
Netherlands 2-1 Turkey

It doesn't always work out this way, but they should be quite tight games. I am probably optimistic for goals too - likely be a 1-0 or 0-0 in there. Obviously I am against Portugal and England doing well too, so maybe influenced by bias a little.

more or less agree
except for England

I think Southgate luck candle is not out yet

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