Fabio Coentrao


Senior Member
Something like the convo Perez and jose had


The Observer

what are we doing????

Where do they get all this money from???

What money ? do you want to tell me we don't have 25 Million to spend on players ? (Callejon 5 and if Coentaro rumor is true its 22 mil ) Sahin and Altintop both free


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Marcelo, a player signed for a small fee with little fanfare many years ago, a player who is probably the best LB in the World right now, is going to be demoted to back-up so they can sign someone newer and shinier and more expensive and prestigious.

if that doesn't sum Real Madrid up, I don't know what does.


I really fucking hate this rumor. Really do.

Best LB in the world?!?! that is not what you said a few weeks ago when I suggested that :lol:

Coentrao is a better defender than Marcelo so I think they will be more solid at the back, but less offensive in that area. I really like Marcelo I think he has a bright future and is the Madrid equivalent of Alves, but Coentrao is a great siging never the less. My preferred Madrid back line from their current/potential squad would be Arbeloa-Ramos-Pepe-Coentrao. That would be extremely solid back line and be a great foundation point.

Marcelo will still get games. It should push him to be even better.

Arbeloa is douche now ok :lol:

What you do not understand is that Marcelo is our play maker, a fully integrated play maker from deep. If Mourinho wants to shift that responsibility to Sahin then so be it, but when he fails because Xabi is old and Sahin is still new, its going to bust up in our face and looks horrible. I don't care about slightly better defender, when shit gets tough, Marcelo always pulled us through. Including against Barcelona.


The Observer
People who think Coentaro (if it goes through ) will affect Marcelo presence in the first team line up are deluded tbh ,
There is no telling what Jose is thinking @ this stage could have well be a 4-4-1-1 line up that look like this for example
Altintop/Callejon----Sahin-------Xabi-------Coentaro/Di Maria

could be anything but i highly doubt Marcelo can be benched that easily , not only he is one of our main playmakers he make others especially CR look good and add amazing width

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
People who think Coentaro (if it goes through ) will affect Marcelo presence in the first team line up are deluded tbh ,
There is no telling what Jose is thinking @ this stage could have well be a 4-4-1-1 line up that look like this for example
Altintop/Callejon----Sahin-------Xabi-------Coentaro/Di Maria

could be anything but i highly doubt Marcelo can be benched that easily , not only he is one of our main playmakers he make others especially CR look good and add amazing width
If not Marcelo, then he would affect Di Marias time on the pitch, which also seems a waste.

I can btw not imagine Sahin playing side-by-side with Xabi. They are too similar to me to be working, so i guess there will only be one of the two on the pitch.

And why isnt Khedira there anymore? Wasnt he convincing enough there?

Also forget about Altintop ... dont know whats with him (maybe van Gaal robbed his complete self-confidence?) but he was utter terrible last season (ive seen him live in Cologne a few months ago, with the BAyern supporters making fun of him - for a very good reason as he looked like an amateur player there). He cant be more than a squad player imo.


Altintop and Callejon are simply making up the numbers...

Sahin we 'll see, but I do not expect very much...

Now, maybe Mourinho is thinking about utilizing Marcelo as a midfielder or even as winger on the left side, and have Fabio in his place. That is if the deal goes through, which I hope it doesn't cos very simply I rate Coentrao very highly. I want Barca to get him.

Barcafan 2304

New member
Altintop and Callejon are simply making up the numbers...

Sahin we 'll see, but I do not expect very much...

Now, maybe Mourinho is thinking about utilizing Marcelo as a midfielder or even as winger on the left side, and have Fabio in his place. That is if the deal goes through, which I hope it doesn't cos very simply I rate Coentrao very highly. I want Barca to get him.

Think he is nailed on for Madrid mate


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Marcelo as a winger is not very good. We thought he would be fantastic there because his performances as a LB were worse. Marcelo needs the full length of the field (as Galactico pointed out before) in order to dominate a game and play his football. Otherwise, he would just bump into defenders or rushed into making a pass. But he is most amazing at creating plays from deep and to cut in at full speed.

Barcafan 2304

New member
People who think Coentaro (if it goes through ) will affect Marcelo presence in the first team line up are deluded tbh ,
There is no telling what Jose is thinking @ this stage could have well be a 4-4-1-1 line up that look like this for example
Altintop/Callejon----Sahin-------Xabi-------Coentaro/Di Maria

could be anything but i highly doubt Marcelo can be benched that easily , not only he is one of our main playmakers he make others especially CR look good and add amazing width

Agree with that. Marcelo is class

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