FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)

God Serena

New member
Bit rough to call him a Masia product as he's only played like 3-4 games with Juvenil A, but technically, he's the same as Pedro and Puyol.

If you're promoted from Juvenil level to the B team your La Masia, in my eyes. Those who say Pedro and Puyol don't count are typically just whiners who want to complain about a lack of La Masia influence.



Canteranos sold since 2004, by season. Fee inside brackets.

God Serena

New member
If Oier & Motta are counted,then Alen should be counted

I don't count any one of the three. How is Alen a La Masia product when he's got one season with our B team under his belt lol. We could call Bravo a La Masia graduate too with that reasoning.

Btw, do you know if flies sleep?


New member
Players signed for Barça B are not from La Masia. Denis isn't on the list either, and he's not a Masia graduate.

La Cantera: The academy - La Masia

El Filial: The reserves - Barça B


Senior Member
Yeah, I also don't consider signings direct for Barça B like Denis or Alen as La Masia products.

But how long a player must play for youth teams to be considered as true La Masia player? It's enough if he plays let's say 10-20 games for Juvenil A and is then promoted to Barça B or must he first play a full season or two for Juvenil A before being promoted? Of course all players that came from Juvenil B, Cadete or younger sides to (at least) Barça B are considered as our players.

Another question: Can a player like Vidal be considered as La Masia product (of course he is now when he returned but would he be otherwise too?) because he only played one season here when he was 12 or 13? He later also played two seasons for Real Madrid when he was around 16 so he can just as much if not more be considered as their product. There are also other players who have gone through both youth systems in their career (don't remember any right now but I know there are) and even more who played for Barça/Espanyol cantera. Is a player in that case considered more as a product of the club/system where he played longest time or where he played when he was younger/older? Of course if he starts his career at Espanyol as 7 years old kid and moved to Barça when 12 or 13 and makes it all the way through to our first team then I'd consider him as our youth player. What if he moves on after 2-3 seasons and never returns to Barça or Espanyol in his career but makes a solid career at other top level La Liga or foreign club(s)? Because that's when most people even know that player exists. Those that play most of their careers at Segunda or lower level teams are usually quickly forgotten.

Another thing if I'm already theorizing about that instead of doing my work. :D Can Albacete consider Iniesta also somehow as their product as he started his career there before coming to La Masia? Yes, Barça is where he becomes what he is today but without him playing for Albacete our scouts maybe wouldn't discover him (not at all or at least not quick enough) to bring him to La Masia. There are rare examples like Samper who made their first football steps in Barça and make it all the way to our first team (or at least to Barça B). Those are true La Masia graduates for me. Other players have all played some time in their youth careers at other clubs (some of them are so small most people don't even know they exist) even if they came to La Masia at very young age.


New member
But how long a player must play for youth teams to be considered as true La Masia player?

Technically, at least from Juvenil A. Like Puyol and Pedro.

Another question: Can a player like Vidal be considered as La Masia product (of course he is now when he returned but would he be otherwise too?) because he only played one season here when he was 12 or 13?

Yes, technically. And he's also a "product" of Madrid's cantera, but obviously that's not where the emphasis is, as he's playing at Barça.

There are also other players who have gone through both youth systems in their career [...] and even more who played for Barça/Espanyol cantera. Is a player in that case considered more as a product of the club/system where he played longest time or where he played when he was younger/older?

Obviously, the player can be considered a product of both academies, but the emphasis will be put on at which club he plays. Messi is technically both Barça and Newell's, but when he plays for Barça, the emphasis is on that he's from La Masia, but when/if he returns to Newell's, they will call him a product of their own cantera, which is also true.

What if he moves on after 2-3 seasons and never returns to Barça or Espanyol in his career but makes a solid career at other top level La Liga or foreign club(s)?

Again, both. Keita Balde, for example. Played for La Masia but moved to Cornella for a year (or two?), and now he's still generally considered a La Masia prospect, even though he also played at Cornella before moving to Lazio. I think it's because Cornella isn't relevant for him, as he's not likely to join them. They're not among elite clubs in the big leagues (most have no idea who they are), so he's just considered from Barça.

Also, you almost never find any instances where a pro player has ONLY played at one club. At Barça, I can only remember Samper who has gone from Escola to the first team. Extremely unusual. Because that's when most people even know that player exists. Those that play most of their careers at Segunda or lower level teams are usually quickly forgotten.

Can Albacete consider Iniesta also somehow as their product as he started his career there before coming to La Masia?

Yup, again, both can claim they have had an important role in his development. Albacete brought him from a smaller local club, let him flourish and put him in Barça's sight. Barça developed him in to a pro.

There are rare examples like Samper who made their first football steps in Barça and make it all the way to our first team (or at least to Barça B). Those are true La Masia graduates for me.

Then we have 0 La Masia graduates in our first team and all other big clubs also have 0. Which isn't be very sensible, I think...


New member
Point is a player can play at more academies and be seen as a product of more clubs, but it will only be emphasized for the clubs that are relevant. And just to make it clear, Barça B isn't a part of the "cantera" or "planter". I'd kill anybody who calls Gumbau a La Masia product.


Senior Member
I don't count any one of the three. How is Alen a La Masia product when he's got one season with our B team under his belt lol. We could call Bravo a La Masia graduate too with that reasoning.

I am talking from the article perspective.

Denis isn't on the list either, and he's not a Masia graduate.

Because he was basically loaned in a form of sign with buyback at almost same cost. The list seem to emphasize the money we get from selling players from the youth squads rather than looking into who is cantera or true La Masia and who isn't

But how long a player must play for youth teams to be considered as true La Masia player? It's enough if he plays let's say 10-20 games for Juvenil A and is then promoted to Barça B or must he first play a full season or two for Juvenil A before being promoted? Of course all players that came from Juvenil B, Cadete or younger sides to (at least) Barça B are considered as our players.

Another question: Can a player like Vidal be considered as La Masia product (of course he is now when he returned but would he be otherwise too?)

There is no definite answer for those questions,it is all about the perspective you would look at.
For example,if we are talking about it from coach pov,and which coach use the youth system more I think anyone playing in B team is cantera for him. The coach should look at all the prospects with same view.whether he has played in youth system since he was 6 like Samper or bought like Gumbau. And would give him zero credit for players he buys (Vidal/Alba/Pique/Cesc)
You can look it from professional aspect,a player is a pro at the age of 16 in Spain,if he joined b4 that age you can consider him La Masia product. If joined after he isn't. Or you can look it from the academy pov,if played at any level below B team then he is La Masia product.
It can go many ways and you can always make it fit your perspective.


Senior Member
Tnx for answers. I know we can look at this from different perspectives. I was just interested to see what do you guys think about that. :)


Senior Member
Late post but today Barcelona B lost their first game of the season away vs Alcoyano. 3-2.

Early on during the first half Alcoyano were awarded a bogus Pen that happened outside the Box. Fali got a yellow for Complaining and got a Second yellow shortly after and reduced down to 10 men. to sum it up though.

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You play away with 10 players and you were losing 2-0, why on earth would you bring the ball out of the goal when you score the equalizer wanting the opponent to play as fast as possible ! That's what happen when the 5 closest players to opponent's goal are 18-20 y/o ... An experienced player would've calmed things down and celebrated the goal for a while, that was heartbreaking, coming from a 2-0 loss to a draw with 10 players yet you lose, argh


New member
That's what happen when the 5 closest players to opponent's goal are 18-20 y/o ...

The GREAT signing that is José Martínez is 23, but you try to put the blame on the young kids, haha. Barça B didn't even touch the ball after they scored the 2-2, before he 3-2 goal.


New member
8 canteranos in Barça B's XI. Nice surprise.

José Suárez; Palencia, Tarín, Martínez, Moi; Aleñá, Ferran, Kaptoum; Guillemenot, Mujica, Perea.

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