FC Barcelona: Win of the youth system


New member
Yesterday, while doing some indoor cycling workout, I watched this weekend's 4-1 win of Juvenil B team over Olimpica.

Must say that they play a nice, clean brand of football.

I was most impressed by Matyas Tajti, a Hungarian player we signed last summer. Playing as attacking midfielder, technically gifted, and physically well rounded. Isn't the fancy type of player over-doing the stepover and stuff. Definitely someone I'll keep an eye on.

Our four sub17 internationals:
Carles Alena, attacking mid : good game, very decent midfielder in everything he does, plays simple, and comes into penalty area with ease. resembles a bit to cescs play
Carles Perez, winger : also good game, like him as a player, strong on his feet, always looking for the one on one, fast
Dani Morer, RB & Marc Cucurella, LB : technically not the most gifted, but definitely good enough for the positions they play, both rather small however... both like to attack and assist the winger in creating danger on the flank.

Oriol Busquets, sub16 international was on the bench, and only played like 15 minutes.

Think we'll have a good generation again next year in Youth Champions League.



Well that was embarrassing to say the least, losing to a youth team which is not even from a football club. I think all the nike players are U21 and barca are U19 but still this sucks.

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