FC Barcelona: Win of the youth system


New member
Palencia, Arnaiz and Cucurella are on the way out.
I would loan or sell Arnaiz with a buyback clause. I like him a lot.

The other 2 i would sell. They dont seem to have enough quality for the 1st team standard. Proper sales not 1M euros or shit like that.


New member
Olmo=Neymar :worthy:

Olmo=Rakitić :thumbsup:

Dani will be the most expensive transfer in the history of all times in Dinamo Zagreb and Croatian football league.

Pjaca from Dinamo Zagreb to Juventus (€23 million)
Modrić from Dinamo Zagreb to Tottenham (€21 million)
Benković from Dinamo Zagreb to Leicester (€15 million)

I hope that he will decide for Croatia like his compatriot Xavier Garcia (water polo). :)


Senior Member
Palencia, Arnaiz and Cucurella are on the way out.
I would loan or sell Arnaiz with a buyback clause. I like him a lot.

The other 2 i would sell. They dont seem to have enough quality for the 1st team standard. Proper sales not 1M euros or shit like that.

No club will pay serious money for Palencia. For Cucu maybe we can get around 5-7M.


Senior Member
Am I the only one who isn't convinced with Barca's youth CBs? It doesn't seem we have any decent one in the horizon as I really don't rate Cuenca


President of FC Barcelona
Am I the only one who isn't convinced with Barca's youth CBs? It doesn't seem we have any decent one in the horizon as I really don't rate Cuenca

You're definitely not the only one.

Seem to be a trend with most top teams recently. Just unable to develop some CBs. Too bad Man City poached our most talented one, but even for him there's no guarantee he'll ever become more than mid-table material.

I don't see what's special with Cuenca.

God Serena

New member
You're definitely not the only one.

Seem to be a trend with most top teams recently. Just unable to develop some CBs. Too bad Man City poached our most talented one, but even for him there's no guarantee he'll ever become more than mid-table material.

I don't see what's special with Cuenca.

I actually think Cuenca is horrible. We haven't really had anyone who really looks like anything special in that position for quite some time. Although looking at Eric Garcia with City, he's probably going to be pretty good.


New member
Cuenca isn’t that good, but it’s onky he’s second year at Barça and he’s still young. Eric Garcia was for sure the most talented Barça CB since Bartra, but now the most talented CB in La Masia is Diego Almeida. He skipped Cadet B this summer and went straight Fromm infantil A to Cadet A. One to look out for, but not as special as Eric.

El Barcelona

Well-known member
After last summer’s disastrous La Masia departures, Barça want to make sure top Cadete and Juvenil players renew their contracts which expire next summer. Ilaix (Juvenil B), Xavi Simons, Jorge Alaustey and Alejandro Balde (Cadet A) are the top priorities. (MD)


New member
why dont we have more own players in the team? I read here people saying they Arent enough good like Roberto and deniz. Why dont we try other own players in the a team?

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