Fernando Torres


No sarcasm there. I meant Liverpool's second and I don't remember anything "unsporting" about it. Moving to the flank to get the ball, nice run, nice assist... Did I miss something important? :)


New member
The second goal was unsporting, how? Wonderful assist.

As for the first goal, it was odd, but if this is a debate whether or not it should have been allowed, that's for the ref to decide. The guy screwed up by not kicking it hard enough back to the GK. It's not like Torres fouled the guy and then got the ball, that would have been unsporting. If the ref thought it should have been offsides or not allowed in general he shouldn't have allowed it to stand.
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No sarcasm there. I meant Liverpool's second and I don't remember anything "unsporting" about it. Moving to the flank to get the ball, nice run, nice assist... Did I miss something important? :)

sorry i thought it was the second goal where he robbed sunderland but it was the first...

i dont think it counts as an assist as it takes a big deflection off a sunderland player. under hodgson he spends too much time on the wings doing link up play, he should be in the box getting in goal scoring chances because he is the only one capable of scoring lots of goals in that team.

liverpool will do well to finish top 10 at this rate then it is bye bye torres :lol:

The second goal was unsporting, how? Wonderful assist.

As for the first goal, it was odd, but if this is a debate whether or not it should have been allowed, that's for the ref to decide. The guy screwed up by not kicking it hard enough back to the GK. It's not like Torres fouled the guy and then got the ball, that would have been unsporting. If the ref thought it should have been offsides or not allowed in general he shouldn't have allowed it to stand.

yea sorry i thought it was the second goal where he cheated...

that ref is a joke tbf. he gave a goal that was no even close to the line last season. how he is still reffing is beyond me.


New member
I just wish hodgson would just resign he is just not good enough to manage liverpool. All hodgson does is cater to egos and plays players out of postion ruins young kids careers so much for man management my ass. His ruining torres with his style of play with 2 banks of 4 with bloody poulsen fucking poulsen holding the midfield, gerrard does all his defensive work for him and has to create what a joke what a crap buy. Rant over but he needs to give torres support or i can see hodgson off very soon 6 points in 6 games is relegation form.


I am Leg End
I agree I don't think Hodgson can cut it at a big club. But the likes of Gerrard and Carra wanted an english manager - so they deserve what they get.

Honestly if we don't get a result against blackpool then the pressure will be immense.

It also doesn't help trying to take the middle ground in the owners vs supporters fight. You are either Yanks or No Thanks and this is why many people loved Rafa.

Rafa took our side in the war against the americans. He was fighting for and with us against them and as a result there was only one outcome to his position. Whilst I did think it was time for a new era at management level, I'll take Rafa over the owners every day of the week. So you see that is why people like MBG love Rafa not because of on the field achievements but because he fought for the club with us.

But I have heard from various people that unless we do get new owners then Torres will be off in January.


New member
I agree with you edward sacking rafa for me was a big cock up he should have never left personally i think cara should have been frozen out something tells me he had alot to do with rafa going knowing that his place is under threat coz he knows his lost his legs for it now, for cara its cara first lfc second legend that he is. Torres will be off i reckon very soon if we continue this brand of football of kick and rush that a so called english manager brings. Tbh not so far showes me he even has what it takes to manage any team his decisions are baffling and subsititutions are a joke and his public slating of players has gone to far by scapegoating them as an excuse of his own downfall. TBH i want us to do well but hodgson to me is not the man im hoping if he doesnt beat blackpool at home and gives another ridiculous there are no easy wins we deserved our point speach its time for him to pack his bags. Hodgson also seems to pile unwanted pressure on nando to perform saying o his form isnt good to me his form looks fine its the system and his way of starving him of the ball and just hitting it long to him which isnt working out coz nandos no target man like the drog.


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor
Yeah it must be fake, we know the angelic Barca players never, ever try encouraging players at other clubs to join them at Barcelona!

Nah it's because we're capable of thinking logically...have you ever done that before?



man, really, why would Pique talk to the fucking Daily Star anyway? That pretty much gives it away that it's fake.
I know it's not the most trustworthy of sources but it's a very detailed 'interview', even tabloids don't entirely make things up because it would be so easy to sue them for libel. Besides, Barcelona players have a track record for using the media to unsettle players at other clubs. Fabregas being the most obvious example, Mascherano also. So it's not hard to believe Pique would be encouraging Torres to leave Liverpool. Maybe he's missing his close 'friend' Ibra and wants another top striker to spend his time with....


Improvin' Perfection!!
The detailed 'interviews' themselves have been fabricated redman, the entire summer. Puyol denied speaking to them about Arsenal imprisoning Fabregas and all that shit... that was too printed as an 'interview' in some English newspaper.

Just forget all the bullshit, the Barcelona players don't know English... Pique with his shittiest English is their representative for CL interviews, get it?

The players don't even know there's this shit interviews being printed all over England on their name, even if they did they bother very little really... they have got their own attention seeking media to deal with in the first place!!


I know it's not the most trustworthy of sources but it's a very detailed 'interview', even tabloids don't entirely make things up because it would be so easy to sue them for libel. Besides, Barcelona players have a track record for using the media to unsettle players at other clubs. Fabregas being the most obvious example, Mascherano also. So it's not hard to believe Pique would be encouraging Torres to leave Liverpool. Maybe he's missing his close 'friend' Ibra and wants another top striker to spend his time with....

actually it is hard to believe because the only player at barca that torres is close enough to that would really know how he feels is villa
but not only that forget the fact that sid lowe is on the hunt for the blood of this certain reporter along with a few others

and don't worry about that suing part. now that the press office knows about the pique article i doubt we see all these wonderful exclusives with barca players


New member
Well, Pique knows English, I remember not too long ago he gave an interview (video, so definitely not fake) in English and his English was quite good actually, but still I have no idea why he'd talk to the Daily Star when he's busy both in Spain and getting ready to go to Russia for the CL match.

And yeah, Torres is closer to the Madrid players (Sergio Ramos mostly, and Xabi Alonso because he used to play for Liverpool) than the Barca players.


The good
Yeah it must be fake, we know the angelic Barca players never, ever try encouraging players at other clubs to join them at Barcelona!

its fake bec he asked him tro quit Pool not to join Barca :)

I agree I don't think Hodgson can cut it at a big club. But the likes of Gerrard and Carra wanted an english manager - so they deserve what they get.

Honestly if we don't get a result against blackpool then the pressure will be immense.

It also doesn't help trying to take the middle ground in the owners vs supporters fight. You are either Yanks or No Thanks and this is why many people loved Rafa.

Rafa took our side in the war against the americans. He was fighting for and with us against them and as a result there was only one outcome to his position. Whilst I did think it was time for a new era at management level, I'll take Rafa over the owners every day of the week. So you see that is why people like MBG love Rafa not because of on the field achievements but because he fought for the club with us.

But I have heard from various people that unless we do get new owners then Torres will be off in January.
January?No way but if so,then City will be his onlly option

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