Will be interesting to see how they react to the people who come for the games. In that sort of heat half the women are going to be half naked.
It can get far hotter in Qatar, over 120 degs F.
9 years sounds like a long time but if the venues structures do not even exist yet, there's till the issue of planning, construction, infrastructure, security, and logistics. It's a monumental task. Brazil were behind schedule just last year.
I'm sure we'll get the regular hosting controversies that happen with every WC or the Olympics. But I guess if anyone can get it done, it's the leaders of these Arab nations. Doesn't seem like they have to clear as much red tape.
I previously backed the decision for Qatar being World cup hosts, but now I've realised what a fool I was. We're talking about country that has applied the Sharia law and the conservative wahhabi culture. A country that has imposed stoning as sanction for women who are "unfaithful" and women's rights are very, very limited. A country that is one of the main supporters of radical islamist groups in the Middle East such as Al Nusra in Syria, whose members basically kill Christians and Alawis and commit ethnic cleansing. Qatar is a country that did not tolerate any different religious institutions until 2008 when they allowed few churches to be build, but without symbols and bells. In the meantime they are spreading radical fundamentalism all across Europe. A country that de facto is an absolute dictatorship covered as absolute monarchy owned by one family, and they are without even a constitution and with very limited freedom of speech.
I'm ashamed that a Qatari group is Barca's main sponsors. Seriously. This is painful for a secular fan like me who adore freedom of speech, gender equality, tolerance and democracy .![]()
Hopefully they will get stripped
And yep, I'm saying that as half an Arabwhich is even more painful
Knowing Qatar a bit, I know they're gonna do a great job. They turned their country from nothing to 1 of the best in the area in a span of 15-20 years. They're capable of doing this and they'll impress everyone.
No disrespect and no offense to you personally, but what you wrote was a pure crap.
I previously backed the decision for Qatar being World cup hosts, but now I've realised what a fool I was. We're talking about country that has applied the Sharia law and the conservative wahhabi culture. A country that has imposed stoning as sanction for women who are "unfaithful" and women's rights are very, very limited. A country that is one of the main supporters of radical islamist groups in the Middle East such as Al Nusra in Syria, whose members basically kill Christians and Alawis and commit ethnic cleansing. Qatar is a country that did not tolerate any different religious institutions until 2008 when they allowed few churches to be build, but without symbols and bells. In the meantime they are spreading radical fundamentalism all across Europe. A country that de facto is an absolute dictatorship covered as absolute monarchy owned by one family, and they are without even a constitution and with very limited freedom of speech.
I'm ashamed that a Qatari group is Barca's main sponsors. Seriously. This is painful for a secular fan like me who adore freedom of speech, gender equality, tolerance and democracy .![]()
Hopefully they will get stripped
And yep, I'm saying that as half an Arabwhich is even more painful
No disrespect and no offense to you personally, but what you wrote was a pure crap.
Maybe the drinking laws are good though... makes fan scandals less likely
Knowing Qatar a bit, I know they're gonna do a great job. They turned their country from nothing to 1 of the best in the area in a span of 15-20 years. They're capable of doing this and they'll impress everyone.
Because pumping gas out of the ground is such an accomplishment...
But I have no doubt they'll built awesome venues. With an infinite budget, not red tapes and cheap labour from South Asia, how could they not?
Yeah I always use to dream about going to Dubai etc and had the pleasure of going on holiday their in 08, do not get me wrong it is amazing place but I was really saddened though about the way they treat the South Asian builders and workers, you can actually see the despair in the eyes of those workers.
UAE are far more advanced than Qatar in every way. I wish the world cup was there. Qatar and Saudi Arabia societies are extremely intolerant, primitive and arrogant. They threat women as they are cattle, many of the women are with mutilated genitalia in order to not have orgasms and to be "faithful". Many foreign workers and non-muslims are threated like sh*t. Qatar and Saudi Arabia have no culture at all, they still live in the Middle Ages. They have no technologies, no science, they rely on western technologies and know-how. They couldn't build even a tent by their own. If wasn't the oil products they would have had only sand. They both have installed the wahhabi-salafi laws - it's the most conservative islam you can get. In fact the big religious problems come from these two countries, they finance the radical Islam in the region, they are behind the Muslim Brotherhood and other islamist groups in the Middle East. They both are ruled by brutal and authoritarian families.
I just can't sit back and be fine with this. I can't respect countries who don't respect the world's pluralism, gender equality, freedom of speech and religion, and human rights. F8ck this political correctness. Whatever you say, there is always someone offended. But when things are wrong, they are WRONG!
If you go to Doha, you'll see that only the part near the bay looks contemporary and impressive, the rest is in very bad condition. I almost broke the car of my cousin in the streets, that are filled with holes. Yes, they have to pay a lot to foreign companies to make them ready for the world cup!