Pretty sick photoshop skills
They traded shirts at the end of the game man

EDIT: Laporta on Ribery + Lahm, from Munich based paper Sport Bild:
"I want to put an end to all these rumours by saying, no!" he declared.
"For me, it is more important to have a good relationship with Bayern than any player in the world. Ribery is to Munich what [Lionel] Messi is to Barcelona. Therefore I understand if Kalle [Karl-Heinz Rummenigge] says that Ribery is not for sale. The fans of Bayern would never understand it and that is something I accept."
With regards to Lahm, Laporta assured very much the same thing as he did with French winger Ribery.
"He is a very interesting player but he is a Bayern player. While he does not want to transfer it would be taboo for us," he explained.
There is also the possibility that Barcelona could loan Aliaksandr Hleb to Bayern this summer, although Laporta says that "right now" he does not see it happening.
"I cannot say what will happen in the summer. If anything happened than Kalle would be the first one I would call. We cannot become instruments of the advisors," he mused.