Frenkie de Jong

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We really need the love and passion for the club angle for frenkie to stay put because let's face it he doesn't belong anywhere near a team that looks and plays like this.


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We really need the love and passion for the club angle for frenkie to stay put because let's face it he doesn't belong anywhere near a team that looks and plays like this.
Some people say he will likely leave once contract is up. I still have HOPE in that he really enjoys his life in barca with gf. Think no-sun-England would have him depressef quickly.


Senior Member
For his own career he should not be renewing this summer and taking it to a year left.

He would walk into any team in the world and they are all playing with his profile of player currently.

Club will want him to renew..not only because he is best player but because it can free up FFP space but he owes them nothing whatsoever.


Senior Member
He isnt playing the position Busquets played last season.. tonight he played the position he played last season more.
He still finds himself most in front of the defence from our midfielders. And yeah, he's not especially great at it. That being said, it's pretty irrelevant as soon as we sort our DM as we should anyway.


Senior Member
He still finds himself most in front of the defence from our midfielders. And yeah, he's not especially great at it. That being said, it's pretty irrelevant as soon as we sort our DM as we should anyway.

Obviously.. all mids will find themselves there but he is not being asked to position himself as then main DM as Busquets would.

Yesterday he made 7 tackles and he reads game well to make them but he isnt doing it from a position of a central DM trying to shield a couple CBs.

Yesterday was more like last season and him being on he left of a two and trying to organise that side for Balde, being there to take ball from defence and to be main man on the ball.

FDJ put on a better defensive game yesterday than others who get massvely over praised for it in same position.

For 'not doing it well'... he would be a better sole DM than anyone in the squad by far and reads game defenisvely better than any of them... but not his best position.

Seen headless chickens in same position making 3/4 tackles and leaving space all the time and showing little on ball as 'immense'... FDJ puts on a game levels above that in every aspect and some try to find faults.
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Senior Member
What has football come to when a few people will look in dead in the face and say De Jong might be the best CM in the world, not just world class which is a stretch for me, but the best in the world.

When players like

Were at no point in there careers considered the best in the world.

No wonder football is so poor these days.


Senior Member
Top player and gets into any team going.

What has the world come to when folk think likes of Kessie/Rabiot/Fabian Ruiz etc are just as good as FDJ if not better?

Gone from moaning about FDJ not being good enough to moaning about how highly he is rated.

What has world come to when likes of Gavi is held up as a top player while same folk moan about FDJ?

Strange world.

More and more angles for the arguments against FDJ... gone from Kessie being better to wouldnt get in any top team to now bringing up players from past.

The changing arguments of the usual numpties tells it all.


Senior Member
Then again maybe a couple of there fan boys were saying they were the best in the world in the pubs and friends talking amongst their selves.

The Internet is just now widely available so fan boys can put out these kind of ridiculous statements.

But still the general quality of football is so poor that this guy who can't put together 5 WC performances back to back against the very best, who got schooled by fred in the Europa League is the best in the world 🤣🤣🤣.

Who was apart of Everything single European embarrassment we've suffered since he's been at the club, except maybe 1 and he wouldn't have made a difference, played meh in pretty much all of them but gets a pass, is the best is the freaking world lol.

I might give top 10-12 since a couple guys are injured and a few off from.


Senior Member
Top top player.

Some who got it wrong and cant cope with it scrambling for new angles since their 'Fabian Ruiz/Rabiot can do the same and Kessie is better' arguments were put to bed.

Got to point they are bringing up top players from past to cope.

Keep at it lads.

Much prefer to keep exposing yourselves with latest angle.

Go again.

Top player. Gets into every team in world and has schooled likes of Real in ways others havent in recent times.

Keep it up team Kessie. Keep it up.

Top top player. Rolls Royce.
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