Frenkie de Jong

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Senior Member
À one man midfield. Suarez messi do nothing. Buskets and Rakitic are crippled. Would never blame him
Edit: I mean Suarez and messi contribution to midfield balance


Well-known member
Frenkie is all about the big picture. The only objective is to push Valverde over the edge and into the abyss. Now neither MaTS nor FdJ is available to Retardo and he has only Messi and players that carry nudes of his wife on a dropbox account (Rakitic and Vidal) to clinch all of his hope onto. I hate this guy WAAAAAAY more than I dislike Zidane. Zizou is above and beyond this disgusting old retired pea peasant. Valverde looks like a guy that wears sandals all the time. Like all. the. time. With socks. The fucker.

Lmao. I wonder what EV has against Barto


Senior Member
honestly would have just let the guy run instead of tugging him in for the 2nd card..

that would have likely resulted in a tap in for Esp.

He should have cleared ball like many players with inferior skills instead of dribbling it out with a low stamina.
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Well-known member
Tough luck mate. What can I say. If you have tickets way up, Rakitic almost looks like De Jong. Just hope Rakitic is near his best and pretend he is De Jong on a really crap day.

I will focus on Busquets and his elegance. Gotta make the best out of the situation


Senior Member
Watch De Jong be punished by not playing for 2 months straight for one mistake and enjoy the magnificent midfield trio of Busi - Raki - Vidal, as Arthur "isn't professional enough with those STDs and snowboard stuff" and Alena just hit the road to avoid EV.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Watch De Jong be punished by not playing for 2 months straight for one mistake and enjoy the magnificent midfield trio of Busi - Raki - Vidal, as Arthur "isn't professional enough with those STDs and snowboard stuff" and Alena just hit the road to avoid EV.

Nah, we have far too few midfielders for EV to bench De Jong.


Senior Member
Seems like Valverde actually blamed it all on De Jong in his post-match interview, saying how the red card hurt us and such, instead of backing his player up like a normal manager would, or even blaming himself for taking off the one attacker who actually defends, ya know. I wonder it it was Pique, or Suarez, or Rakitic, who got that red card, I suspect then the story would've been much different. And this is Valverde's game, have no shame, and blame everything on the players he didn't want in the club in the first place! He did that with Malcom, because he wanted Willian and not him, and because Malcom didn't have enough power, Valverde actually managed to drive him out of the club, even though Malcom was such a good guy, and gave everything he had every time he stepped on to that pitch, he loved and I'm pretty sure he still loves Barca. And with De Jong, it's the same attitude from Valverde towards him, as it was reported, that Valverde actually didn't want Barca to buy De Jong at all, because he didn't think De Jong was GOOD enough!!! Imagine that...I guess De Jong makes too many great tackles and passes and runs too much for Valverde's taste, he likes his midfielders to be more slow and static, and panic every time he gets pressed by an opponent and give the ball away, like his wife Rakishit.

And after this, I'm absolutely 100% sure that the only reason, FDJ is actually playing regularly, is because Bartomeu ordered Valverde to do it, because he was such a big investment. After all, Valverde is their perfect yes man, that's the only reason he's been able to keep his job and still be here after multiple humiliations. But if choosing the transfers was up to Valverde, and Valverde alone, like it is at Liverpool or City, where Klopp and Pep have pretty much the only say in the matter, our starting midfield would still be Rakishit-Busquets-Vidal, with someone like Herrera or Willian on the bench, while we'd sell off Arthur, Alena and Puig, and never bought De Jong.

BUT if Valverde thinks he can outlive De Jong too and drive him out of the club like he did Malcom and so many other great young players, he's got another thing coming. Cause De Jong is pretty much the best young midfielder in the world right now, and he's gonna be here years after this ratcoward of a manager (and also this Board) is gone. De Jong is our future post Messi, alongside Ter Stegen, Arthur, and hopefully Todibo, Alena, Puig, Fati...
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BUT if Valverde thinks he can outlive De Jong too and drive him out of the club like he did Malcom and so many other great young players, he's got another thing coming. Cause De Jong is pretty much the best young midfielder in the world right now, and he's gonna be here years after this ratcoward of a manager (and also this Board) is gone. De Jong is our future post Messi, alongside Ter Stegen, Arthur, and hopefully Todibo, Alena, Puig, Fati...

You are overreacting. I'm sure Frenkie fits in Ernie's system and I'm also sure that he doesn't want to drive De Jong away. If that was the case, EV would bench him on multiple occasion. Shit happens, Frenkie had one bad match, that's all. Maybe EV's critic in the press conference will boost Frenkie to show what he is capable. in the next matches.


You are overreacting. I'm sure Frenkie fits in Ernie's system and I'm also sure that he doesn't want to drive De Jong away. If that was the case, EV would bench him on multiple occasion. Shit happens, Frenkie had one bad match, that's all. Maybe EV's critic in the press conference will boost Frenkie to show what he is capable. in the next matches.



Senior Member
Reading some fkn nonsense on here. Ppl have a clear agenda unfortunately.

Wow Vavlerde saying the red game impacted our game means he will bench FDJ for months on end.

Conveniently ignoring all the praise EV has heaped on FFJ, let's run wild with him saying a red card was thenreadin we couldn't we win almost like playing with 10 men makes things harder or something.

I'd argue he's saying it's much more difficult to win without FDJ rather than EV crucifying him forna red card, last year EV said the exact same thing regarding Rakitic's red card.


Don't think Valverde will keep him out of the squad after his ban, because we are just slim in viable options besides slow rakitic/busquets/vidal.
R. Puig won't be used except for some minor Copa matches, Arthur is being another dumb Brazilian who doesn't commit to the game.

I've only are desperate to see the real Frenkie. The one that dictates the play from 10m outside our box towards the 30m opposite box.
That's the area where he shines and needs to step up.
We should stop wanting to build up our play from the CB, because all it does, is making the field tiny and compact with lack of movement.


Senior Member
Invisible sure but he's not being given any sort of role in the midfield, pass sideways and sit back seems to be the instruction. Whenever a couple of players come close to him to do some quick one two's you can see how eager he is to play some quick football but it's all short-lived. Need the coach gone, clear roles given


Senior Member
To be fair, everyone not named Messi is invisible in this "team", because you have to make some goaty things to be visible.
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