Gareth Bale


Blue Blooded Aussie
Bale is even more of a twat than Ronaldo, simply because of the fact he's modeled himself after a twat, which just happens to be Ronaldo. Come on now.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Outstanding winger on the left side, very average through the centre, so predictable on the right, beautiful shot though. If he's worth anywhere near 100m the worlds gone mad.

That's what hype does i guess.


Senior Member
PRedictable? Well so is Messi and Robben then, they cut inside, but he does make that cut quite often and finish with great shoot. Nowhere near 100mil of course but hope MAdrid doesn't get him, he can bring havoc on our shaky defence


Blue Blooded Aussie
Bale needs to be played on the left against stronger sides. He's HUGELY predictable on the right. Only defensively inept sides who let him run into space and shoot with nobody within a 5 metre radius allow him to score when cutting in really. If he cuts in and can't shoot he's near to useless. He's crap in the centre too. But on the left he can't be a hog who scores against shit sides.


PRedictable? Well so is Messi and Robben then, they cut inside, but he does make that cut quite often and finish with great shoot. Nowhere near 100mil of course but hope MAdrid doesn't get him, he can bring havoc on our shaky defence

Messi, predictable?


New member
PRedictable? Well so is Messi and Robben then, they cut inside, but he does make that cut quite often and finish with great shoot. Nowhere near 100mil of course but hope MAdrid doesn't get him, he can bring havoc on our shaky defence
Messi is predictable and cuts inside?

do u even watch the matches?

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Please tell me more about Messi in 2006. I bet he used to do even more regular things when he was a kid.
Messi now certainly isn't predictable.
I'm not saying Messi's predictable. I just said that he certainly used to cut inside. All the more so cutting inside requires a good technique and dribbling. You have to know how to do body feints, without it cutting inside becomes very predictable. And here's Messi's win. His amount of body feints is incredible and gets more and more every year.
Bale still can't do them. It requires great agility and flair, while Bale has got only pace and acceleration with good shot. Bale is very predictable when he is cutting inside but he is much faster than any of defenders so his cutting inside benefits.
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Senior Member
Gaudi did.

PRedictable means that you know what one will do next...yes in that instance Messi was predictable, he was cutting inside preparing his left foot shoot. Everybody knew he is going to do that yet nobody could stop it.
Trouble is you saw that as some MEssi bashing.

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