Gerard Deulofeu


President of FC Barcelona
Playing better. If he comes back he must realize it will be his golden chance with Lucho gone, and his last chance too. He better take it and work his ass off. Can be a valuable player from the bench and play a far bigger role than any of our current bench players.


New member
One way or another, he is coming back. Even if not for footballing reasons, he will have to return for financial reasons. I can't imagine these directors being stupid enough to simply not convert his increase in value into cash. Perhaps they may keep him for 6 months, advertise him to the footballing world and sell him at a very attractive price. I would however prefer if he stays one full season and proves himself as a good squad player.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
What financial reason? There's no way we get a dime out of him knowing our board... We will probably buy him for 12 million only to sell him again for 5 million to Galliani because he's a friend and Deulofeu has been a good sport...


New member
He would have solved some problems if we had him this season, many times we needed a replacement for Messi/Neymar, he also probaby would have done a better job at RB than Roberto..

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