Gerard Deulofeu


Active member
I dont understand it too... he just had his debut at age 17, clearly under huge pressure
you could see some of his magic and I am sure there will be more of it, as Guardiola said when people were asking him about Deulofeu in pre-season tour in USA: "with Thiago we went slowly, with Deulofeu, we will go pianisimo"


I can't feel ma face!
I dont understand it too... he just had his debut at age 17, clearly under huge pressure
you could see some of his magic and I am sure there will be more of it, as Guardiola said when people were asking him about Deulofeu in pre-season tour in USA: "with Thiago we went slowly, with Deulofeu, we will go pianisimo"

For reals think about it at age 17
Hmmm at age 17 I was trying to get laid shhhhiiiiitttt!

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
He already seems to have matured somewhat, but I don't like the way he stops and then tries to accelerate past the opposition. It gives them a chance to re-organize and might not work as well at this level.


Senior Member
he needs a growth spurt has much as grimaldo if he is to take it at the highest level, because his dribbling style of basically hitting the ball round the man and beating them for pace, only works when you are not just faster but stronger than the man marking you, when he was at the youth level this was no problem, but has he progresses while i don't see much matching him for pace, he will lose out physically.

Just imagine if ronaldo played that why he played, but has messi's body, he would a class player, but not a world class one

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
I don't want him to grow any taller, he'll just lose more agility. He's already taller than all of our wingers, bar Afellay


Active member
There's a deal on the renewal of Barcelona B left winger Gerard Deulofeu (17) until 2014. His buy-out fee will be 20M. [ona fm]


Mike the Knife


Staff member
There's a deal on the renewal of Barcelona B left winger Gerard Deulofeu (17) until 2014. His buy-out fee will be 20M. [ona fm]

Nice news.
I wouldn't agree with people that say there's a lot of pressure on the kid. He's not even an option for first team bar some cameos.
It's not like he's expected to carry the team like Xavi did when he was just a little bit older than him.


Active member
it is few months older as it was uploaded just few days ago
it´s U19 final, just see this.... true leader


New member
He's still has alot of work to do, although I'm keeping in mind that he looks so much more comfortable on the LW and he's playing RW in that game, but he can seriously easily have his way over and over again with defenders. The U-19 game against Ireland he looked unreal, and scored that great goal at LW. I've also noticed he loses the ball much less on the LW. He's always pushing it so far away from him when he runs on the right.


New member
To be honest, I'm disappointed with this boy. I liked him much more 1-2 years ago. I don't see a true football brain there, he's like a blind horse-rider. He has no idea how and when to pass, absolutely no idea what team-play is, no vision, his crosses are terrible. He's just fast and has that ability to pass defenders - though, he seems 'heavy' in his runs to me, worse than about a year ago - but that's it. And it's not enough. I'm sorry. I've seen tens of players of that kind, and they usually end up in La Liga mid-table teams. I can't believe he joined when he was 9, as he has completely no idea what they learn in La Masia. Big disappointment for me, but let's see if can change his attitude. I'd love to be positively suprised! :)


New member
To be honest, I'm disappointed with this boy. I liked him much more 1-2 years ago. I don't see a true football brain there, he's like a blind horse-rider. He has no idea how and when to pass, absolutely no idea what team-play is, no vision, his crosses are terrible. He's just fast and has that ability to pass defenders - though, he seems 'heavy' in his runs to me, worse than about a year ago - but that's it. And it's not enough. I'm sorry. I've seen tens of players of that kind, and they usually end up in La Liga mid-table teams. I can't believe he joined when he was 9, as he has completely no idea what they learn in La Masia. Big disappointment for me, but let's see if can change his attitude. I'd love to be positively suprised! :)

I think you're being way to harsh on him here. The kid's just 17 years old for Gods sake. You claim you liked him better 2 years ago - have you actually seen him play back when he was 15, or have you been judging his ability solely on youtube vids?
In any case, I'm pretty sure Pep sees something in him, considering he's already had his first team debut, and seems to be joining training sessions on a regular basis.

When that's said, I don't exactly expect a new Messi, but less will do.

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