Gerard Deulofeu


New member
It's just a year or two ago one could accept his lack of vision and inability of team-play, off the ball movement, clever passing as he was just a kid. But the time passes and I see no improvement at all. It's not a deep analysis it's just my impression. And I had the same feeling about many players of similar kind - I mean those with some outstanding physical abilities, but lack of football brain as I call it. They fall into mediocrity. Do you guys feel he's any smarter footballer than he was a year ago? I don't.


New member
I think you're being way to harsh on him here. The kid's just 17 years old for Gods sake. You claim you liked him better 2 years ago - have you actually seen him play back when he was 15, or have you been judging his ability solely on youtube vids?
In any case, I'm pretty sure Pep sees something in him, considering he's already had his first team debut, and seems to be joining training sessions on a regular basis.

When that's said, I don't exactly expect a new Messi, but less will do.

Well said.


I don't know what to think about him either. On the one hand: He's only 17. On the other hand: It's true. His decision making and passing looks a bit ... iffy. But then again. It's his first season in Barca B. I won't judge him for now. But at the moment my hopes lie in Rafinha more than in Deulofeu.

it is few months older as it was uploaded just few days ago
it´s U19 final, just see this.... true leader

Plenty of examples about his decision making:

- 0:53: What is he trying to do there? Marked by 2, still trying to somehow get past them, holding the ball way too long, finally losing it.
- 1:14: Shooting (was more like a chip) from there. Wrong decision. Even the commentator says it: "Oh, NO." :lol:
- 1:50: Where does he cross the ball there? There is absolutely NO ONE.
- 3:10: Fail crossing.

And some more where he holds on to the ball way too long, despite being marked by 2, trying to dribble etc. But yeah, he's 17 ...
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Mike the Knife
My first impression after seeing him live is that there's nothing special with the player....But, he's 17 and if we learned anything with Bojan it's not to use Leo as a barometer for where a player should be at 17

I remember the CR hype years ago although I found him closer to a Muniain sort of player...but he looks years away from Muniain even

I hope he makes a leap in quality


i don't know what to think about him either. On the one hand: He's only 17. On the other hand: It's true. His decision making and passing looks a bit ... Iffy. But then again. It's his first season in barca b. I won't judge him for now. But at the moment my hopes lie in rafinha more than in deulofeu.

Plenty of examples about his decision making:

- 0:53: What is he trying to do there? Marked by 2, still trying to somehow get past them, holding the ball way too long, finally losing it.
- 1:14: Shooting (was more like a chip) from there. Wrong decision. Even the commentator says it: "oh, no." :lol:
- 1:50: Where does he cross the ball there? There is absolutely no one.
- 3:10: Fail crossing.

And some more where he holds on to the ball way too long, despite being marked by 2, trying to dribble etc. But yeah, he's 17 ...
he's seventeen!!!!

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
I hope they'll do some good work on his rough edges... because there's a lot of them
He's got the physique and the confidence, that's for sure


Senior Member
he has one of the rarest gifts given to footballers, which is the ability to beat the first man almost at will, so if he develops the rest of his game, he will be an excellent player


New member
He's seventeen. So what? He doesn't make progress at all, he is the same dumb footballer as a year ago. Completely no vision, no cleverness, no understanding of team-play. He's 8 years in La Masia but has he shown Barcasque qualities? Not at all, it seems like he joined yesterday. There's something fundamentally wrong with this player IMHO. No football brain.


New member
Gerard is actually progressing much more than any other our future star. He is not Cuenca, Sergi Roberto or something like that. If he succeeds he will not be just a team player. He will be a star.

Probably even next year he will start getting minutes in the first team. :D

Raw talent, just wait till he starts learning under Pep.


Active member
It´s not like Deulofeu didn´t know ho to pass, he drilled it in La Masia since being 9 years... once Pep starts to teach him when to pass when there´s no chance of getting past somebody he will imrpove his decision making
and saying he is not good at making crossess or shooting is absolutely have to watch him to see how good he is at reading game and making brilliant things, he just has to improve his decision making ===== learn to pass when he there´s no chance dribbling past player
also it´s not like he is midfielder where he has to pass pass pass pass, he is winger and he has to be daring, dribble past his marker, make a cross or prepare something unpredictable in which Deulo is best
also, after this final one of the Czech players said that there was no way how to stop him, he was running trough them every 2nd minute and you can see it on the vid


Mike the Knife
I keep thinking I'm watching a different player than some of you...I am often disappointed watching him and apart from Maxwell, he was probably the least impressive player last night for Barça...Yes, he's young I know...but I still think there's a good deal missing from him making the leap to the next level


deulofeu always disappoints....when he plays with the first team.

it's all about the confidence which he lacks with the a team. maybe he's been thrown into the waters too soon. let him play in the segunda where he belongs at the moment, all the media attention might not do good for him.


Mike the Knife
I'm beginning to be concerned that he's a one trick pony, aka racecar....Just try to beat your man to the endline, over & over

I saw this live even with Barça B last week...He needs to watch a lot of film on Pedro & Cuenca


New member
Struggled last night.Looks one footed and very predictable when he plays on the left.Still got plenty of time to develop some guile and game intelligence.

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