Gerard Piqué



:hmmm: im still not convinced. If someone robs your house, taking your £2000 TV and then sells it back to u for £ i even have to continue?

All i will say is..bow down to my logic :worthy:

:lol: but this TV has improved & is working well ;)


I walk the line
:lol: but this TV has improved & is working well ;)
I would punch the guy in the teeth and take my dam TV (with improvements). Of course i would have recorded the whole thing with a video camera and will watch it on my TV.

Analogy: fuck man utd up for stealing piqué, bring piqué back for zero euros and zero cents, and then he will score the winning goal in the CL final.



Maz .. If someone breaks into my house and steals my Black & White TV, then upgrades it to HD 72' Plasma TV and sells it back to me for a reduced price ... It's a bargain, no ?


Nepali Cule
:hmmm: im still not convinced. If someone robs your house, taking your £2000 TV and then sells it back to u for £ i even have to continue?

All i will say is..bow down to my logic :worthy:

lol ur so funny.
how the hell we can compare human with tv:lol:


New member
:hmmm: im still not convinced. If someone robs your house, taking your £2000 TV and then sells it back to u for £ i even have to continue?

All i will say is..bow down to my logic :worthy:

What if someone robbed your cheap car, pimped it out (it appreciates in value), and then gives you a really good deal to get it back. Keep in mind, you're dealing with a mafia. :D You take it!!!


I would punch the guy in the teeth and take my dam TV (with improvements). Of course i would have recorded the whole thing with a video camera and will watch it on my TV.

Analogy: fuck man utd up for stealing piqué, bring piqué back for zero euros and zero cents, and then he will score the winning goal in the CL final.


Yeah we probably should have done that. Piqué may still get us that winner ;)


Bomb Dropper
:hmmm: im still not convinced. If someone robs your house, taking your £2000 TV and then sells it back to u for £ i even have to continue?

All i will say is..bow down to my logic :worthy:

well evil said it best...

Maz .. If someone breaks into my house and steals my Black & White TV, then upgrades it to HD 72' Plasma TV and sells it back to me for a reduced price ... It's a bargain, no ?

...that's spot-on.

like I said, poaching isn't good and I don't approve of it. but in this instance it has helped us immeasurably. if we resigned cesc, it wouldn't be the same. while playing in england has given him qualities he wouldn't have gotten here, staying here would have made him a better player ANYWAY.

pique wouldn't have become that good a defender had he stayed at barca. sure, he'd have become rather good because of his natural talent but playing/training with rio and vidic and being coached by Mr. Defence carlos queerface can only have helped him massively.


I walk the line
Some of you guys are such pushovers. Youre probably the kind of guys that when someone steals your space on leve 2 of a packed car park and you have to park on level 21 you think to yourself "well the exercise will be good for me". Grow some cojones!

It was my fucking tv and you stole it. I dont give a rat's ass if you upgraded it. It was mine and you stole it. So now im going to steal the TV back. Dont try and offer me a good deal for it. A good deal is that i take it and dont kick your ass.

lol ur so funny.
how the hell we can compare human with tv:lol:
You're right. TV's are way more important.. Sorry!


No one is saying it was good. We would like to keep all our youth players, BUT we benefited massively from it, so I don't see the need to moan about it :p

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