Gerard Piqué


Active member
Agreed but maybe that's what he needs to kick his ass into gear. Then again if he can't be responsible for himself how can we expect him to be responsible for an entire team like Barca

Thankfully we're passed the point of thinking Pique could possibly ever be captain of Barca.

I think Lucho not playing him, as often as he thought will make him better on the field but off the field its pretty hard to defend his continuous bad behavior and childish mindset.
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Sunny Mir

The details about the fine are cringeworthy... Pique acted like an entitled prick.



New member
Well tbh, police officers do think they are "masters of the world" because they wear that uniform, at least where I come from.


The Culest
Well tbh, police officers do think they are "masters of the world" because they wear that uniform, at least where I come from.

Well yeah my country has the worst police in the world. But here Pique broke the rules and thinks he's above the law


Senior Member
He IS an entitled prick...


Such a dislikeable character and a dumb footballer to boot.

The Cristiano comparison is wide of the mark. He's a self-made man, and despite his stature, one of the most hard working pro in world football. I'd rather ronaldo over piqué in my team 10/10 times.


Senior Member
I hate the police in my country, and being a third world country, corruption is the norm. I can't imagine Spanish police being anywhere close to as bad as they are here :lol:

Anyway, that's a moot point. I wouldn't have really cared if he just got angry and said some shit to the cops that was more in the line of "you're being a dick cause you have the uniform" etc etc. But it's all the other shit, you're jealous cause I'm famous, your father is going to pay for this, etc etc .. Those things REALLY get to me...God damn prick, I am so pissed we have a player like that..

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