Gerard Piqué


Wild Man of Borneo
From being absolute disaster in the first clasico to the hero in this one.

Pique's improvement this season has been exponential.

+10000. His performances in both Clasicos are the biggest testament to his improvement. I love this Pique beyond measure.


Luis Enrique: "Pique again among the best centre backs in the world? He's getting there. He's playing great, should continue now."



New member
Great game once again. He has been amazing for the past 1-2 months. I never understood all that hatred. I never doubted his talent. The best thing that could happen to Piqué after last season's disappointing display and the embarrassing World Cup was to get a demanding manager like Lucho that could kick his ass whenever he slacked too much.

I can see him developing into a general in that back four something that I thought was unlikely when Puyi was around and commanded him.


Senior Member
It feels like he has finally accepted his role of defender and leader rather than being a silky CB there to take the ball out from back and look good doing it.

He was used to being the Pique that partnered Puyol but he has now become the Puyol. The Pique that needed to be reminded to stay focused by Puyol has matured and he now looks like a player that loves penalty box defending..

A few things that stuck in mind about how he wants to defend first - tonight he just cleared a few balls out the park where in past he would have been inclined to take a risk and try to do something flashy.

Also a few games ago.. Bibao away?.. he got hit in the bollocks and obviously in pain but his first thought was to get up and make sure he defended properly.

He looks more of a leader now - tonight there was a clip when ball went dead of Pique and Masch rounding up the troops.

Pique has been so impressive recently. The benching and harsh treatment from Lucho earlier in the season appears to have changed his mind set.


New member
There's something very satisfying about seeing a dangerous attack build up against us, but being fairly calm about it, because we trust Pique to handle the situation. A year or two ago I would have gotten a heart attack each time they'd step into our half.


Wild Man of Borneo
Idk the statistics, but I'm almost sure that he's picked up the 2nd most MOTM awards on this forum behind Messi.


New member

Hey boss you may want to leave it for Leo to chest it down and score here.



New member
I never thought that Pique could return to being a world-class CB. Could well be the best in the world at the moment. No BS!

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