Gerard Piqué


Active member
He is tall but a waste of height in attack. There are so many times he can do so much better if he tries well but his technique of scoring corners are terrible. Often the tallest and but can't connect the header most of the times with his jumps mostly untimely.

El Flaco

Active member

"It bothers some to see how the Camp Nou supports their team despite being eliminated; they're [Real Madrid] used to whistles, in spite of qualifying.."


Senior Member
Just find that cringeworthy from Pique. He is obsessed with Real Madrid.

Fair play in mentioning fans but leave it at that.

He played well last nigh but been poor for a while. Needs to concentrate on his football and Barca more and try to become a leader of this team.


Active member
Agree with him but can he restrict it to like once in 6 months? This is just too regular for a professional to make comments like these. Also it makes him look like a pissed dude who can't digest RM is doing better than barca.


Senior Member
Yea, I don't like Pique speaking about Madrid that often either. There's a line and if you cross it too often, nobody will take you seriously anymore. I do like some of his remarks though, but he just overdoes it.


Senior Member
I like the fact that he speaks his mind but he does it too often for my liking.

Our team's attitude is becoming almost Mourinho esque . Especially Pique. He should pick and choose his battles.

If Real Madrid win CL Ramos will spend the rest of the summer trolling Pique.


Well-known member
It's just Pique keeping up with the bad boy of Barcelona image trolling Real Madrid in every possible way. The Spaniards all over the country hate him for the Catalan independence thing, but the general public totally forgot that two Catalan boys were the core of the Spanish defence (Pique and Puyol) that won the World Cup in South Africa.

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