Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
Add busi to that list too.

Busi especially started to get on my nerves, most when he was asking for a raise even tho he was in shit form. He also doesn't strike me like a player who will have a long career, I have a feeling that he will drop massively in quality at 32/33.
But the problem is much bigger, we have to many entitled little shits, and we don't have any quality backups or talented youngsters that could replace them and light a fire under their asses. How much would I like to see Pique, Busi and Suarez fight for their spots.


Senior Member
I mean it was only several weeks ago that Alba got his agent to talk with Sport etc, whining about how Alba hasn't gotten a contract extension offer and it was also a attempt to try and pressure the club into giving him a brand new long term deal like Suarez,Rakitic,Pique,Busi etc.

Just disappointing that the players who are suppose to set examples to the younger players in this squad who have won everything there is to win at a club level and some at the international stage, are the ones acting like entitled little shits when their performances recently haven't warrant it.

Weak leadership plays a part in it as well. Who's going to tell these guys to get their shit together and play like they are suppose to? Puyol? Xavi? Masche? all of them are gone. The only player in this squad that I've seen who has any lick of Captains material is Stegen and that's it.
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Blaugrana Bull

So majority are supporting Cristiano over Pique now and are happy he scored three goals against Spain? Pique has done some shit, I understand that. But that is seriously fucked up.


Senior Member
Pique is correct that Ronaldo does indeed make the most out of every challenge, but is this really something that he needs to say, given his fuck-ups in recent days and his less than stellar performance vs Portugal? Perhaps he should focus more on his own problems.
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Active member
IDK why we haven't started finding Pique's replacement. We struggled for years finding Puyol replacement. Plus, we still need a 3rd CB also.

Why not sign De ligt before he is snapped by Juve or by any other top club. Yes, you are gambling on a player, but will you not gamble whenever you sign a player as Pique replacement.

Plus, De ligt seems like he is most likely to make it here at Barca. Why not give it a go?


Senior Member
Keep hearing this idea that Barca 'struggled for years to find Puyol replacement'......... Masch was fucking class for Barca and the leader Puyol was.


New member
Im verry worried about Pique, not only his performances have gone down in the last 2 seasons but also at the same time his shittalking skills have improved. I fail to see how he and Umtiti are going to lead our backline in the future without a real leader like Puyol/Masch.

It seems he would have needed a few more years under Puyol to really understand what he is supposed to do. Making fun of our board in public while playing shit does absolutely not go well together. Hope Valverde changes some serious words with him before next season.


Well-known member
Hope Valverde changes some serious words with him before next season.

He would probably record the whole thing and tweet it out later "serious talk with manager (5 crying laughing emojis)" and continue like nothing happened knowing he won't get benched anyway and will still be a starter here when Valverde is already long gone.

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