Gerard Piqué


New member
Playing professional football has now become his hobby, not the other way around. It's pretty obvious that he has to retire next summer for both himself and Barça but he will keep this job title for his financial benefits, nothing else. He no longer has motivation as a footballer since he has won everything pretty much.
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Well-known member
He just practically admitted that he doesn’t really care about being a professional footballer in a world-class team and the board,EV etc won’t bat an eye...

The state of this club is depressing.


Senior Member
4-5 hours sleep for professional athlete? Way too little. He can't function at the highest possible level with this commitment.

Yea, and then we wonder why we are sleep walking on the pitch and every team we face runs more and plays at a higher physical level than us. :lol: Our starting CB and one of 'leaders' just said he barely has time to sleep because of his private business.


Senior Member

Translation: The Supercup will be played in Saudia Arabia thanks to Kosmos, which is Pique's company

Conclusion: man, Fk Pique. Dude should just retire and become a businessman.


Senior Member
Organising this match to be played in human rights abusing, yemen-bombing, women are second class citizens Saudi Arabia shows you all you need to know about Pique as a man. Greedy greedy man.


Well-known member
Honestly,fuck Pique.It is sad to say this for a club legend,but guys like Puyol,Xavi or Iniesta would never act like this.


Senior Member
I've been a massive dissident of Pique for years now. He's a fucking clown who treats the Camp Nou like his backyard garden and FCB as his pet project. He says cringe worthy stuff, he's a SHIT defender that gets DESTROYED and turned inside out by pretty much every average Joe in La Liga, let alone quality wingers and CF's. Worst of all, he has the audacity to tell fans to their face how less he gives a shit about donning the Barca jersey.

Seriously, get this clown out of here.


Senior Member
10 years ago he would've been on the transfer list the next day following such a statement. Well to be fair, if Pep has stayed, Pique would've been sold back in 2012. And I can't say we would be much worse for it. It's pretty clear Puyol was the only person keeping this fucker in check, and once he was gone, Pique was free and clear to start caring fuck all about everything. I always just laughed when people were saying how Pique is gonna become our new Puyol, the great new defensive leader, cause I knew it was never gonna happen. It didn't help that he pretty much stayed untouchable as a starter for all these years nonetheless.

To think of our captains 10 years ago (Puyol, Iniesta, Xavi, Valdes) and compare it to what we have now, Messi, a GOAT on the pitch, but who is the farthest thing from a leader, a captain material, someone who can inspire his team, he plain old sucks in that department and he should've never been near the arm band. And then you have this fucker, and Sergi Roberto, who's still living off one goal from years ago, just like Rakitic. Busquets is the only one even remotely captain material, and even he is fit to be 3rd or 4th choice at the most, even in this team. We should give the arm band to Ter Stegen, followed by Arthur and De Jong. Don't even care this is only their 1st and 2nd season at the club, we need new blood on the pitch and leading this team as captains.

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