Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
ESPN recently put up a list of the 10 best players for each position, while certainly a flawed list the fact that Piqué no longer is considered a top 10 CB isn't suprising

Tennis - Shakira - Barça "in that order" i read on social media...


Senior Member
And people were chewing my head off earlier when I suggested he's unprofessional. He's made to look like a clown by bottom of table Leganes. He's an embarrassment.


Senior Member
Yeah, he might argue that it doesnt matter whether he plays games or goes on business trips in his free time, and thats right, but 4-5h sleep is as unprofessional as it gets for an athlet. Federer sleeps 12h a day ffs.

And he looked exactly like hes deprived of sleep. That one backpass where he didnt react was hilarious.


Senior Member
And people were chewing my head off earlier when I suggested he's unprofessional. He's made to look like a clown by bottom of table Leganes. He's an embarrassment.

Even more of an embarrassment is the manager who acts like everything is fine. Except the wind speed.


Senior Member
He probably thinks that it's not "Unprofessional" in his eyes as he probably thinks the amount of clout over the years so that absolves him of it.

This guy gets paid big money to start for one of the most prestigious Clubs out there and yet he's just a clown. A guy who likes to lecture other people on being a professional while having little respect for his own employer right now.

Tired of people wiping this guy's ass. Same fucking excuses "Well he's won us a lot and deserves to do what he's doing now" "Don't worry he will be fine February" yeah fuck off with that shit. What use is it when he's only good for like a month or two and it's not even during the crucial shit either.


President of FC Barcelona
Difference between Pep and Valverde. Lucho similar too given he had a strict fitness regime and benched this guy multiple times because of it.

Meanwhile you have Ernie letting our players do whatever the fuck they want, and reward them with days off all the time.


FC Barcelona is a total clown show right now. No one want to take any responsibility, lack of accountability.


Senior Member
I would be surprised if we ever win the CL with the likes of Pique and the other long-time Vets being around.

The same group of Vets who won all this shit are supposed to lead this team and set an example for the newer guys, but nope bunch of cowardly self-centered fucks that care more about themselves than what's best for the team.

And you have a Spineless Board who back Valverde who should have been shown the door already as he isn't capable of doing anything to fix the issues and persists in letting the Seniors do as they please because he's fucking spinless as well.

To Valverde and these guys, it's always the newer guys and younger guys fault. Suarez being worthless in the CL for the past few seasons? *Insert whoever plays LW*' Fault and not Suarez's fault who looks and plays like a guy who eats 10 Big Macs before every game.

Guys like Pique, Busi, Alba, and insert any fucking senior will never be held accountable for their mistakes. It's always someone's fault and not them. For years I hated the idea of seeing some of our Vets retiring as it would be hard to fill the void they leave but now? I cannot wait for these guys (Bar Messi) to do everyone a fucking favor and retire or leave.

These guys went from giving us happiness to people begging for them to fuck off with their poisonous entitlement.


Well-known member
I would be surprised if we ever win the CL with the likes of Pique and the other long-time Vets being around.

The same group of Vets who won all this shit are supposed to lead this team and set an example for the newer guys, but nope bunch of cowardly self-centered fucks that care more about themselves than what's best for the team.

And you have a Spineless Board who back Valverde who should have been shown the door already as he isn't capable of doing anything to fix the issues and persists in letting the Seniors do as they please because he's fucking spinless as well.

To Valverde and these guys, it's always the newer guys and younger guys fault. Suarez being worthless in the CL for the past few seasons? *Insert whoever plays LW*' Fault and not Suarez's fault who looks and plays like a guy who eats 10 Big Macs before every game.

Guys like Pique, Busi, Alba, and insert any fucking senior will never be held accountable for their mistakes. It's always someone's fault and not them. For years I hated the idea of seeing some of our Vets retiring as it would be hard to fill the void they leave but now? I cannot wait for these guys (Bar Messi) to do everyone a fucking favor and retire or leave.

These guys went from giving us happiness to people begging for them to fuck off with their poisonous entitlement.

True true true. Only way we can rise from this shit is by getting rid of the players who's focus is on something else or is just not good enough anymore. Busi or Raki should never start for us again. I don't want to see Busi in CL. He will be murdered like usual, same as Raki. They are at best OK subs.

Show the door to Busi, Raki and Suarez and we will improve automatically.

I would still keep from veterans Alba Messi and Pique.


Senior Member
Yeah, he might argue that it doesnt matter whether he plays games or goes on business trips in his free time, and thats right, but 4-5h sleep is as unprofessional as it gets for an athlet. Federer sleeps 12h a day ffs.

And he looked exactly like hes deprived of sleep. That one backpass where he didnt react was hilarious.

He has just explained that he sleeps 10+ hours before a matchday.


Senior Member
Piqué: “President of Barça? Right now I'm really enjoying tennis.” [sport]

Everything this guy is saying right now sounds like a player, who is already retired as a player, and is just waiting for the next elections to maybe try and get a role in the Board to go along with his other business commitments. The fact that he's not only still playing, but playing as a first choice center back at Barca, is heart breaking.

I always thought Pique would be a brilliant president because he's so dedicated to Catalonia and Barca, like Laporta was, but after the comments ever since Valverde is here, and his total ignorance to the glaring obvious problems we have in our structure, and only looking for his best interests, I'm not sure I'd even want Pique as president someday, might be the same crap like Bartomeu is, saying 'everything is fine' when it's all gone to shit.

While as a player, Pique is finished. Not only at this level, but on any level, he said it himself he sees himself ending his career at Barca and nowhere else. And as he's not even motivated/committed enough to play for his home/dream club right now, I just don't see him taking on a new challenge with a new club this late in his career, and with his countless other business commitments right now, his mind is already everywhere else BUT on football. And I don't think any other club than Barca right now under this crappy Board and coach, who let the senior players do whatever they want, would even tolerate his shitty performances, but even more so, this shitty attitude from him right now.

So he's milking Barca for that paycheck for as long as he can, and once we'll finally tell him to fuck off and go away, he'll just retire and focus on his businesses. So he's basically the same leech like the likes of Valverde and Rakitic are right now. They all know that this right now is their paycheck of a lifetime and they're simply not going to give it away until it's absolutely necessary, cause they know they won't have
like this ever and anywhere else again.

Now compare that with our actual legends that are Puyol, Xavi, Iniesta, who not only left the minute they knew they couldn't give their 100% to Barca anymore, but they even left early, when they still had the quality to actually still play for us for a year or two more. Now that's an attitude that tells me 'I LOVE this club', not this selfish crap we're seeing from our seniors nowadays.

Admitting to the media he sleeps only 4 hours a day, like he's trying to justify his crappy positioning and lack of reactions and speed on the pitch, and his commitments with the Davis Cup and other things, like we the fans should care about anything other than his performances on the pitch! It's just embarrassing at this point. Busquets, even though he's also past it too, at least knows better not to come out and say stupid things like Pique does on a regular basis, just because he wants to be 'in the spotlight' one way or the other.


Active member
Piqué: “President of Barça? Right now I'm really enjoying tennis.” [sport]

Everything this guy is saying right now sounds like a player, who is already retired as a player, and is just waiting for the next elections to maybe try and get a role in the Board to go along with his other business commitments. The fact that he's not only still playing, but playing as a first choice center back at Barca, is heart breaking.

I always thought Pique would be a brilliant president because he's so dedicated to Catalonia and Barca, like Laporta was, but after the comments ever since Valverde is here, and his total ignorance to the glaring obvious problems we have in our structure, and only looking for his best interests, I'm not sure I'd even want Pique as president someday, might be the same crap like Bartomeu is, saying 'everything is fine' when it's all gone to shit.

While as a player, Pique is finished. Not only at this level, but on any level, he said it himself he sees himself ending his career at Barca and nowhere else. And as he's not even motivated/committed enough to play for his home/dream club right now, I just don't see him taking on a new challenge with a new club this late in his career, and with his countless other business commitments right now, his mind is already everywhere else BUT on football. And I don't think any other club than Barca right now under this crappy Board and coach, who let the senior players do whatever they want, would even tolerate his shitty performances, but even more so, this shitty attitude from him right now.

So he's milking Barca for that paycheck for as long as he can, and once we'll finally tell him to fuck off and go away, he'll just retire and focus on his businesses. So he's basically the same leech like the likes of Valverde and Rakitic are right now. They all know that this right now is their paycheck of a lifetime and they're simply not going to give it away until it's absolutely necessary, cause they know they won't have
like this ever and anywhere else again.

Now compare that with our actual legends that are Puyol, Xavi, Iniesta, who not only left the minute they knew they couldn't give their 100% to Barca anymore, but they even left early, when they still had the quality to actually still play for us for a year or two more. Now that's an attitude that tells me 'I LOVE this club', not this selfish crap we're seeing from our seniors nowadays.

Admitting to the media he sleeps only 4 hours a day, like he's trying to justify his crappy positioning and lack of reactions and speed on the pitch, and his commitments with the Davis Cup and other things, like we the fans should care about anything other than his performances on the pitch! It's just embarrassing at this point. Busquets, even though he's also past it too, at least knows better not to come out and say stupid things like Pique does on a regular basis, just because he wants to be 'in the spotlight' one way or the other.

Great. So let's give him what he wants and send his ass to the tennis courts #PiqueOut


Senior Member
It's time for him to retire. His head is definitely not in football anymore. Someone should show the door to Pique, Busi, Suarez etc. like Pep did with Deco and Ronaldinho back in 2008. It's the only right thing to do. Only sure thing is that Valverde is not the right guy for that.
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