Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
I do not believe Keep calm man, Leo My cycle is over Messi. Money man Jorge Messi, Papa Perez, and Muh Salary cap n shit Tebas.

Barto isn't perfect but that letter was written by a real cule and spoke from the heart.


Senior Member
Barto nearly bankrupted club with Messi's contract and attempted to sign Neymar back to keep Messi happy. Also refused to let him go when Messi asked to leave.

I have no doubt if anyone in Catalonia wanted Messi to stay it was him.

90% of CEOs, politicians and millionaires are cheaters, involved in tons of shaddy business.
It's hard to get rich and being a politician without shaddy deals and corruption.

That includes our presidents, Uefa, Tebas, Psg, sponsors and top footballers.


Senior Member
90% of CEOs, politicians and millionaires are cheaters, involved in tons of shaddy business.
It's hard to get reach and in politics without shaddy deals and corruption.

That includes our presidents, Uefa, Tebas, Psg and top footballers.

I am sure Barto is liar and cheater but there's nothing to me that shows he would lie about Messi's continuity based on how he bent over backwards for him and his entourage


Senior Member
My son, don't trust to any of them, because:

You're getting trolled by Messigician dawg. Of course he knows Barto is a through and through liar.



Senior Member
You're getting trolled by Messigician dawg. Of course he knows Barto is a through and through liar.



But still.
Barto is a proven liar.
Laporta is a proven shaddy guy.
Psg are proven shaddy guys.
Messi evaded taxes million times.

There is literally no one in this story whom I would trust.

Money, money, money, power, power, power.


Well-known member
I haven't read all the posts, my question is:
How is he able to earn 75% less and the rules didn't allow Messi get a 51% paycut?

Only using my school math, so take this with a grain of salt.
Pay-cut of 50% of his salary. He'll get 25% of the remaining salary some time in the future.


Senior Member

But still.
Barto is a proven liar.
Laporta is a proven shaddy guy.
Psg are proven shaddy guys.
Messi evaded taxes million times.

There is literally no one in this story whom I would trust.

Money, money, money, power, power, power.

I would not put the blame on Messi for his father dodging taxes. Messi was 20 years of age(a kid basically) at the time when the crime was committed and he entrusted his legal/financial affairs to his father and lawyers.

Also, he 'evaded taxes million times'? The tax dodging happened between 2007 and 2009.

I mean sure, he signed the papers and what not. But, Lionel Messi the tax dodging criminal mastermind? Nah
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Senior Member
Gotta respect him, he always come up in these kinda situation for the club, the shirt sponsorship & such, he is a real Catalan at heart & understands the role the club plays in Catalan culture.


Well-known member
Yeah guys why should Bartomeu lie? To make himself look better and escape the hate for financially ruining the club what resulted in Messi leaving?

Good guy Barto would never do that for sure. Completely out of character for this fine gentleman.
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Hi, its me..
Fitting that he opened the scoring post Messi. Also said that the other club captains will be renegotiating their salaries

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