Gerard Piqué


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Apparently ended last game with calf discomfort. Doctors advised him to rest but he wants to play after feeling good in training.

The Araujo-Garcia pairing seems inevitable.


Senior Member
It is kind of weird that everyone is so righteous about the tax fraud that happened in 2007-2009.. Messi's father was a poor man and finally had the opportunity to make money and "stick it to the man". You surely can't believe Messi was the mastermind of all this or even that he actually knew what it was all about. Also, the amounts we are talking about are miniscule compared to what he is getting paid officially anyway. So much righteousness in here. I bet no one in here ever tried to avoid income taxes or even park in a no park zone.


Senior Member
It is kind of weird that everyone is so righteous about the tax fraud that happened in 2007-2009.. Messi's father was a poor man and finally had the opportunity to make money and "stick it to the man". You surely can't believe Messi was the mastermind of all this or even that he actually knew what it was all about. Also, the amounts we are talking about are miniscule compared to what he is getting paid officially anyway. So much righteousness in here. I bet no one in here ever tried to avoid income taxes or even park in a no park zone.

Anyone that cheats on tax and earns millions and millions is a bit of a cunt. That's just how it is. There are people in the world that are starving FFS. And others are cheating taxes but have no issues wearing diamond earrings, wearing 10.000 dollars priced gloves made of leather from some exotic pig-like obscure animal no one even heard of.

It just proves that outside football, these guys aren't worth following. They are anything but an inspiration.

What is Messi relevant for except football? Nothing I know of. He doesn't know how to dress, his taste in tattoos is terrible to put it lightly (lol), he cheated taxes, doesn't appear to be too bright, not particularly good looking, he's as greedy as it gets. Was actually convicted for fraud and so on.

Only thing about him worth investing time in to see is his ability to kick a football. Same goes for Ronaldo, and other footballers. And celebrities in general. Like Ricky Gervais said (in different words), most of them aren't worth anything if you take them out from their professional life.

That's all. Messi is a near-genius if you're speaking about football. Outside of that, there's not much to be admired about him.

From footballers, I've heard great things about Kante. That guy is a rarity based on what I've read about him and a special person even if you leave football aside.
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Senior Member
Footballers are terrible role models in most areas of life except professionalism/determination/will to rise to the top. The all-time great footballers like Messi and CR7 are 1 in a billion or something of rarity of those attributes. If there is something to learn, this is it.

Imagine you're considered the best in the world at whatever profession you're at. Imagine having the adulation of having conquered that profession, but still doing it over and over and remaining at the top (not losing hunger) like Messi and CR7 have. I bet no-one on this forum could achieve this.


Senior Member
Footballers are terrible role models in most areas of life except professionalism/determination/will to rise to the top. The all-time great footballers like Messi and CR7 are 1 in a billion or something of rarity of those attributes. If there is something to learn, this is it.

Imagine you're considered the best in the world at whatever profession you're at. Imagine having the adulation of having conquered that profession, but still doing it over and over and remaining at the top (not losing hunger) like Messi and CR7 have. I bet no-one on this forum could achieve this.

Yes, well said. The problem is not as much Messi himself, but his legions of fans that made him a "fake" role model in other areas than just being an all-time great footballer, among the best that's ever been.

There's the same problem with Federer as well. Not particularly worthy of following outside the tennis court. Quite unlikable as well.

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