Gerard Piqué


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Staff member
Announced he's returning to football, not as player but as coach. More info to come at the end of the week.

Some Kings League shit?


Well-known member
He misses the limelight. Always been a bit of an attention whore.
I'll be surprised if he's any good as a coach.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Whether you love him or hate him, make no mistake, whatever he puts his mind to he is a success at. His tennis venture, his Kings League.

In regards to football, he lost love for the game pretty early on, said so himself many times, could only really motivate himself for the Classicos where he was at his best.

Even with his low motivation, he was class up to 2018/19, which was his final great season. You have to remember he was playing with Lenglet/Umtiti, Roberto, and Alba. A defence that basically couldn't defend.

His body couldn't compensate for his low motivation after that and the final few years he spoiled his legacy somewhat.

But, as with Alba, he was a far far better player than Barca fans would like to give him credit for.


Well-known member
Whatever you think of him or his intentions behind it, he did let go of a huge amount of money for the club unlike some other "Barca legends". :lol:

Off the field, he seems like an intelligent guy. Deserves a decent chance.


Senior Member
Whether you love him or hate him, make no mistake, whatever he puts his mind to he is a success at. His tennis venture, his Kings League.

In regards to football, he lost love for the game pretty early on, said so himself many times, could only really motivate himself for the Classicos where he was at his best.

Even with his low motivation, he was class up to 2018/19, which was his final great season. You have to remember he was playing with Lenglet/Umtiti, Roberto, and Alba. A defence that basically couldn't defend.

His body couldn't compensate for his low motivation after that and the final few years he spoiled his legacy somewhat.

But, as with Alba, he was a far far better player than Barca fans would like to give him credit for.
I think his last great period is 2021/22 when Xavi took over. He was absolute best defender in Laliga at that time. When he was injured, the defense collapsed.


Senior Member

The guy that some geniuses here think is good to become Barca president



Staff member
He got indicted so it's confirmed. Proper presidential material.

On a serious note: he would do better than Laporta.
Has enough money so wouldn't milk the club through agents and shady deals like the fat fuck. Also has many connections and now already some experience in business.

Last but not least: Divorced and probably red pilled.

Bring it on.

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