Strange match, even Suisse commentators couldn't really comprehend what happened to the team, particularly in the 1st half. All I could think of was jetlag since the playing conditions were fairly ideal. Plus, they had looked very sharp in their two friendlies ahead of the WC kickoff. Yet, they looked like they were hung over. Poor touch, poor passing and a general lack of urgency was hard to figure out. Very disappointing
I didn't like Djourou starting but he ended up with some timely interceptions despite not marking anyone on Ecuador's goal - Arsenal fans must've felt some déjà vu. Mehmedi was a smart sub but I had wanted Behrami' subbed for Džemaili too - guess that turned out to be fortuitous considering Behrami initiated the winning goal with a fantastic defensive stop and spearheading the attack.
I thought the Suisse played far below their standards for the most part and I still wonder what was causing it. Even Inler & Lichtsteiner who can rotuinely be counted on to exceed expectations were underwhelming. And in the case of Stephan, he was Ecuador's most successful attacking outlet. Thought he showed his age there
Pissed about the disallowed goal as it was a beauty.
I suppose that was the only thing missing in this World Cup until now, a winner right in the final seconds - now we have it, it was glorious. I watched in a small Suisse village that set up a viewing tent complete with a BBQ, drinks etc. - very memorable atmosphere, especially with the win. I almost fell out of my seat when the pass came to Rodriguez and I thought he wouldn't be able to control it, then the goal