Seriously guys how many fans get to see their team win the champions league in their lifetime (cough liverpool cough)
Honestly though I think it is when I went to Anfield and saw the Istanbul trophy up close, that I began to shift a bit in terms of what trophy I hold in higher regard. Besides, Barca are sitting on four CL wins, when you hit five you get to keep the trophy. It's a very special thing.
League football is a much better symbol of consistency than cup competitions
This is the argument I would use when I considered the league more important, and I still believe in that argument which is why it's hard for me to definitively say that one trophy is better to win than the other. CL can obviously be won based on luck as it's a knockout competition and there are many factors involved, but
generally the league title is won by whoever is consistently the best in the country throughout the season. However even then there are things to consider such as the fact that in the league we play some pretty weak teams and it's not as testing as going up against the best teams in every European league.
Honestly I think the only way to tell who is TRULY the best in Europe is to have a European Super League, but that concept is so flawed that I don't think I'd ever want it to actually happen.
do you guys belive that ther is match-fixing in La Liga? like in italia ?
Honestly I think there is probably some form of corruption at varying levels in most of the big leagues in Europe, but difference is most of them deny it or can't be bothered to look into it, at least Italia is trying to do something about it. Unfortunately the trade-off there is that it makes calcio look bad to those who don't follow it, and those that are ignorant or misinformed draw negative conclusions about the league. That image is probably a big reason why no one really investigates corruption in other leagues (among other reasons). However that's a discussion left for another topic.