İlkay Gündoğan


New member
Embracing their heritage is not the problem. The words on the signed shirt and personal praising of Erdogan are.

Unfortunately for many Turkish people in Germany identifying with Turkey and Erdogan are basically the same.
[MENTION=20137]mia7007[/MENTION] you can have two passports in Germany. And over 500k turkish people have it.


World Champion
It's possible if you have another EU passport. For Turkish citizens it changed some years ago. If you had Turkish/German dual citizenship like some 10 years ago you can still have both.

In any case he did nothing wrong. Our German press has a personal vendetta against Erdogan for 2 years now because he sued a German satire moderator for personally insulting him ("fucking with animals, watching child porn" etc.) where German press acted like victims ("but but free speech"). So for 2 years German masses are bombarded with news about Erdogan farting.

Of course when a rapper raps: "My body is shaped/ripped like that of Ausschwitz victims", the same press haunted the guy down for anti-semitism and an entire music award was abolished because he won it, no more free spech, even though it's more satire, even if distasteful one (nothing new in rap, women, homosexuals etc. get dissed all the time), than calling someone personally a pedophile and sodomist.

Can't take German journalism seriously these days but the fickle football fan masses will fall for everything (most just use this as a golden opportunity to boo some Muslim/Turk anyway).
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Active member
I have a German and Russian passport.

I was born in Russia but lived my whole life in Germany. If I want to visit my relatives in Russia it is easier with dual citizenship because I do not need a visa.

Get a visa like everyone else. A citizenship is not about a visa, your loyalty supposes to be with one country not many. You give the oath to be loyal to a country of your citizenship, so how can you have dual oaths? No man can serve two masters! This part of New World Order/Freemasonry to destroy identities.


Senior Member
Get a visa like everyone else. A citizenship is not about a visa, your loyalty supposes to be with one country not many. You give the oath to be loyal to a country of your citizenship, so how can you have dual oaths? No man can serve two masters! This part of New World Order/Freemasonry to destroy identities.

You have issues dude..

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