Ivan Rakitić


Wild Man of Borneo
do u think bale would have that empty net chance if raki was on pitch defending ? ?

vidal was standing in middle of pitch picking his nose and not tracking back.......

that is raki specialty. he is slow, but he would be in position to block pass.

that is the beauty of raki,,, he does little stuff no fans notice, but he is so vital to the team.

fans don't understand the importance of such player..... but coach like valverde and lucho do and love him.....

for barca simple minded fans arthur holding ball needlessly for 10 seconds and passing it a sideways is a wow, not raki playing good position with defensive awareness.



Senior Member
Switch roles with Vidal. Vidal is the starter and Rakitic is the rotation option. Simple as that. Vidal is meaner, faster, stronger, has better mentality and works harder. No brainer. Unless Rakitic is scoring golazos like vs Tottenham, he's a liability vs every team that is putting pressure on us.



my english is not good,,,,, but still i know the word in the first sentence is supposed to be affect and not effect..........

idiot, writing paragraphs and paragraphs about how arthur is the best mid in the world but cannot use proper grammar to make a meme......



Well-known member
Switch roles with Vidal. Vidal is the starter and Rakitic is the rotation option. Simple as that. Vidal is meaner, faster, stronger, has better mentality and works harder. No brainer. Unless Rakitic is scoring golazos like vs Tottenham, he's a liability vs every team that is putting pressure on us.

I agree. At this point I prefer Vidal. He brings something to the table.


New member
Bla-bla-bla "professional coach choice" bla-bla-bla "statistics".
This same professional coach had his ass whopped by the almighty AS Roma in one of Barca's biggest humiliation ever. That same coach preferred Gomes over Dembele in that same game. That same coach will start Roberto over Semedo despite last weeks performances. Give me a break with that would you ?

On top of that, you're talking about last year achievements lol. Last year our midfielders were Busquets, Rakitic, Paulinho, Iniesta, Gomes and Denis. Nobody will complain about Rakitic being a starter with such competition. He was better than Paulinho, Gomes and Denis and games showed that. This year, Arthur and Vidal are better than him, and games show this.

The most important thing that stats have ever shown in the last 3 years is that we got our ass kicked in the CL as soon as we faced decent opposition. And our midfield got completely dominated with prime Rakitic being the biggest fraud in it.

T = Tackles. I = Interceptions. KP = key passes.

Atletico 2-0 Barca 2016. Barca's midfield: Busquets Rakitic Iniesta.

Busquets. T:4. I:2. KP:0.
Iniesta. T:3. I:2. KP:3.
Rakitic. T:0. I:2. KP:0.

Rakitic attempted 0 tackles in that game while Messi the ultimate lazy boy had 2 successive tackles.

Juventus 3-0 Barca 2017. Starting midfield : Mascherano Rakitic Iniesta.

Mascherano. T:3. I:1. KP:2.
Iniesta. T:2. I:2. KP:0.
Rakitic. T:0. I:1. KP:0.

Rakitic attempted 0 tackles while Messi and Suarez had 2.

Roma 3-0 Barca 2018. 442 with 2 DMs: Rakitc Busquets.

Busquets. T:1. I:0. KP:1.
Rakitic. T:1. I:1. KP: 0.

Rakitic stats per game in Barça's most difficult and most important games in the last 3 seasons.

Tackles: 0.3
Interceptions: 1.3
Blocks: 0.
Key Passes: 0.

Wow what a great workhorse and contributor when things get complicated in high intensity matches !
But hey, he makes tackles and interceptions against Huesca, Eibar and Zaragoza. We wouldn't be able to win those games without the great Rakitic. Messi (+Suarez in 2016) is not saving Barça's ass in 90% Liga games since 2016, Rakitic is !
We would never win 2018 and 2016 Liga without legendary Ivan and his tackles.

Who is right? Is it 1) you little scotty who's unable to watch a game by himself without stats help + a boring coach who had biggest shit in bed in Barça's CL history OR 2) ME + what games show + stats ?

Now GTFO with your stats and address this:

In light of Rakitic's performance last night, I feel as though I should quote this, factually rich, quality post again:

Rakitic's performance vs Real Madrid:

1 tackle 0 interceptions

Data checks out.


New member
Another horrible performance. I am sick and tired of seeing him start by default. it's getting comical. His idiotic agent who openly said that "Rakitic leaving Spain anytime soon is impossible" should keep quiet. If our board was more ruthless (as they should be) he would be long gone. In fact he would/should have been sold to QSG this summer.

How can players like Vidal and Aleñá not start in such games when they are performing vastly better than Rakitic lately?


New member
Another horrible performance. I am sick and tired of seeing him start by default. it's getting comical. His idiotic agent who openly said that "Rakitic leaving Spain anytime soon is impossible" should keep quiet. If our board was more ruthless (as they should be) he would be long gone. In fact he would/should have been sold to QSG this summer.

How can players like Vidal and Aleñá not start in such games when they are performing vastly better than Rakitic lately?

That treble season bought him a couple more years than he should have imo, that and Valverde nudes.


New member
Who would have been his alternative?

This season it could have been Vidal but he has been poor since late December now and his best (most useful) games have been off the bench as well.

Valverde's sacred cow like treatment of Rakitic is going to be Rakitic's demise. His form has hit rock bottom and yet he's still guaranteed of a spot in the team every week. Which means he doesn't have to challenge himself to change and improve, he's far too comfortable when he should be a squad player here.

He should be earning his minutes and not the other way round.

As for his future he and his agent know full well he's never getting a new deal - hence his last resort desperation of mouthing off to the press since last summer.


Senior Member
And the other "couple" of years? There were no great market options - Im thankful for Rakitic, but Im also glad we are doing the next best thing in getting 2 of the very best midfield talents.

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