Is alright Cule, you could be a TROLL and just say stuff for affect, but I really don't think so.
Newsflash- I don't give a rat's ass what you think
I'll give you a hint child so you can follow, the acronym uses "Keyboard", "Narcissistic", "Using", "Fan" & "Entitled" in it.
Calls someone a child for not knowing childish internet slang- Top kek
I can't speak to all, but I don't often go into dismissive and categorical responses (haters will hate, just the typical NEFUK response) unless the fanboyisms or categorically dismissive comments come first
Yeah sure you don't, just like bears don't shit in the woods.
The irony is I am in favor of selling Rakitic and don't think he is one of our 6 most critical players even this year--yet somehow you think I am the one unhinged and melodrammatic in my posts.
Well you going into incomprehensible rants anytime someone dares to say Raki isn't cut like a diamond would make one think otherwise.
I just call out an obviously shit take or extreme biased perspective for what it is, backed with observations AND data, and usually directed about the comment, and not the poster. Now when posters have a habit of making it personal because that is all they got left, and yes the fit the pattern of a whiny spoiled bitch who never played a high level sport in their life, some of them are just NEFUKS.
So saying someone was decent in some aspects and needs to improve someone is biased, while labeling others spoilt/clueless for criticizing players isn't? Irony could strip naked in front of you and you wouldn't notice.
Now when posters have a habit of making it personal because that is all they got left
Calling someone a fanboy is personal while labeling others haters and making mum jokes isn't. Gotcha.
never played a high level sport in their life, some of them are just NEFUKS.
Look at you getting all high and mighty

I don't remember barcaforum having a requirement to be a high level sportsperson to post here. You might wanna check with Barcaman about that.
P.S. I hope you understood how many fuks i give about your NEFUKS