Soooo ... Rakitic says he’s staying and will fight FDJ for his place in the midfield ...
Great , just great !!
Now THAT is a reason to start hating him if true. Don't be selfish cunt and fuck off. Even Xavi and Inesta, who were galaxy apart from him even at their old age knew that they have to leave.Soooo ... Rakitic says he’s staying and will fight FDJ for his place in the midfield ...
Great , just great !!
Soooo ... Rakitic says he’s staying and will fight FDJ for his place in the midfield ...
Great , just great !!
we had a 60+ possession rating by half time if i remember correctly.
where did you hear that?
i won't even be surprised if we give him a new contract (albeit less than his demands) as a favor to EV.. i don't think i can watch another season of this shit, especially if De Jong or Arthur are benched so Raki-Busi can play
Now THAT is a reason to start hating him if true. Don't be selfish cunt and fuck off. Even Xavi and Inesta, who were galaxy apart from him even at their old age knew that they have to leave.
Could he not have married a Croatian or Swiss girl instead of a Spanish one? Now he won't leave the country.
Rakitic has been a decent servant for the club in his 5 years here (nothing extraordinary if you ask me) but it is time to move him on.
Too many of our leading/most important/most influential players are above 30 or approaching that age. With de Jong's signing, Arthur's recent arrival, Aleñá's breakthrough (or at least signs of this), a highly talented Puig waiting in the background, possibly a move for Rabiot or preferably Lo Celso and Busquets not going anywhere this summer, it is the perfect opportunity to part ways with him whiles still having the opportunity to cash in on him or at least receive a decent transfer fee for him.
There should not be any doubt from the board whether to sell him or not. Whatsoever. Even less so when he is demanding a contract extension and wage increase. For what exactly? For being worse than he was in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and arguably last season?
We should not turn into what AC Milan turned into due to what was back then an utterly spineless and incompetent board lead by Berlusca and Zio Fester.
Atletico and Madrid both have been crap this year. Just because others are shit, doesn't excuse us for being shit as well.
...Take off your nostalgia glasses ..
Thirdly- Pepistas really?Is that your go to juvenile insult
Fourthly- Your holy grail stats. You have gone so far down the rabbit hole of stats that you have stopped trusting your own eyes and stopped watching matches. Thankfully the rest of us haven't.
If only those stupid football pundits would get the hint and stop analyzing match plays on those big screens with expensive freeze frame technology and instead just pull up whoscored pages on those screens (wouldn't that be a sight) football would be much better wouldn't it?
While we're at it, since football is all about the stats and attractive football doesn't matter, why do TV channels spend billions to acquire match rights and why do people pay money to watch them. If only they could see the forest for the trees and just check whoscored (which smarties like you started doing long ago)
Lastly- Yes different people can perceive games differently due to different reasons (fanboying like Arizona scott, stats whoring like your majesty, lack of football understanding and yes sometime even hating). But stats (especially without context) is never a be all neutral judgment pillar of football. And neutral fans might have their own agendas which makes them biased (like Malmierda glorifying trolls like Wolfe)
Remember people are different and hence opinions will be different.
Yep, so we are shot, Atletico is shit and Madrid is shit. Since these are by far the best La Liga has to offer, what league plays football that isn't shit?
And by the way if I don't keep going don't assume you have won any argument, maybe it is just being seen as hopelessly circular and it is clear some don't want to learn, nor even partake in civil or rational dialogue. Maybe that's who you live your life, or at least your internet life, even with fans supposedly pulling for the same club, and the players who sweat and bleed in the shirt so that our team can hold oodles of trophies, as it continues to do, over and over.
One final take home, all modern scouting (and decision making within the team by the managers--including playing time and match-ups) across professional sports use advanced metrics. But I get it, all opinions will be different, everything is opinion and there are no facts or evidence. Let's just hope you don't go to a doctor or financial adviser who uses those principles, who just goes by his gut and what he sees right in front of him. Maybe if you stop using "fanboy" references (where you try to stereotype anyone who disagrees with you) some of us won't be as vehement in the exposure of many of your absurd statements and colored views, or use the dreaded "haters will be haters" tag. You can't possible be offended by your own tactics, no, yes you do. Gets back to the first point above.
Both Atletico and Madrid are cup oriented teams and are better than Barca in knockout tournaments. And problems with Valgreen's Barca is- 1) Shit football bailed out by Messi domestically 2) That shit football being exposed in champions league sooner or later.